Impressive Macrinus Denarius
Macrinus. AD 217-218. AR Denarius (18mm, 2.56 g, 7h). Rome mint, 6th officina. 2nd emission, fall AD 217. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Anonna seated left, holding cornucopia and grain ears; modius filled with grain ears at feet to left. RIC IV 55; Szaivert series 4; RSC 8. Choice EF, lustrous with good metal. An exceptional strike.
Annona, a provision for one year usually in the form of grain, was occasionally personified as a deity emblematic of an emperor’s generosity unto the people. As the Severans had been especially liberal to the populace, Macrinus felt increased pressure to continue in their manner. The combination of diminishing funds and an ever-growing military, however, made such congiaria increasingly more difficult.