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5647882. The Caesarians. Julius Caesar. 41 BC. AR Denarius (19mm, 3.77 g, 3h). Rome mint. L. Flaminius Chilo, moneyer. Near EF.
The Caesarians. Julius Caesar. 41 BC. AR Denarius (19mm, 3.77 g, 3h). Rome mint. L. Flaminius Chilo, moneyer. Laureate head right / Pax standing left, holding a caduceus in right hand and with left, leaning on scepter; L • FLAMINIVS downwards to right, III • VIR upwards to left. Crawford 485/1; CRI 113; Sydenham 1089; RSC 26; BMCRR Rome 4201-2; Kestner 3699; RBW –. Toned, minor area of weakness. Near EF. Outstanding portrait of fine style, struck in high relief.
Amount Subtotal:  $27500

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