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Superb Zodiac Type – Sun in Leo


EGYPT, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. AD 138-161. Æ Drachm (33mm, 24.99 g, 12h). Zodiac series. Dated RY 8 (AD 144/5). AVT K T AIΛ AΔP ANTωNINOC CЄB ЄVC, laureate head right / Sun in Leo – Lion leaping right; above, radiate and draped bust of Helios (Sun) right and eight-rayed star; L H (date) below. Köln 1495-6; Dattari (Savio) 2968 var. (obv. legend); K&G 35.278; RPC IV.4 858; Emmett 1530.8. Dark brown patina, slight roughness. EF. Among the finest known.