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An Empire Sold at Auction


Didius Julianus. AD 193. AR Denarius (17mm, 2.60 g, 12h). Rome mint. IMP CAES M DID IVLIAN AVG, laureate head right / RECTOR ORBIS, Didius Julianus, togate, standing left, holding globe in outstretched right hand and volumen in left. RIC IV 3; RSC 15; BMCRE 7-8. Toned, shallow scrape on obverse under tone. Near EF. Better than most.

Ex MACM inventory MMoCA182C; A. Lynn Collection (Manhattan Sale I, 5 January 2010), lot 332; Classical Numismatic Group 53 (15 March 2000), lot 1612.

Didius Julianus was born to a wealthy family in AD 137, probably in Milan. He had a prominent government career, including several provincial governorships, in the reigns of Marcus Aurelius and Commodus. Though successful, he did not earn the respect of his fellow senators, who regarded him as a sensualist and a spendthrift. When the Emperor Pertinax was killed by the Praetorians after only a three-month reign on March 28, AD 193, no ready successor was at hand. Pertinax’s father-in-law, Flavius Sulpicianus, entered the Praetorian camp and tried to get the troops to proclaim him emperor, but he met with little enthusiasm. Sensing an opportunity, Didius Julianus rushed to the camp and began to make cash promises to the soldiers from outside the wall. Soon the scene became an auction, with Sulpicianus and Julianus striving to outbid each other for the favor of the troops. When Sulpicianus reached 20,000 sesterces per soldier, Didius Julianus upped the bid by a whopping 5,000 sesterces, signaling with hand gestures. One emperorship sold! Julianus was allowed into the camp and the Praetorians proclaimed him emperor. Confronted by the Praetorian swords, the Senate approved his elevation, but could not hide its disgust. Disturbances broke out throughout the city, and a crowd at the Colosseum loudly called for Pescennius Niger, governor of Syria, to march on Rome. Niger was not the only alternative. Two other provincial governors also declared themselves emperor: Clodius Albinus in Britain, and Septimius Severus in Pannonia. Severus, closest to Rome, immediately marshaled his troops and invaded Italy. Julianus at first tried negotiations, then sent assassins to kill Severus, to no avail. Julianus next tried to fortify Rome but the results were ineffective and ludicrous. With Julianus’ authority in Rome rapidly deteriorating, Severus sent messages to the Praetorians, who renounced their allegiance to Julianus. Seeing their cue, the Senators proclaimed Severus emperor and passed a death sentence on Julianus. On June 1, AD 193, a Praetorian officer found the cringing Julianus hiding in the palace and dispatched him, ending his pathetic 65-day reign.

The reverse of this attractive silver denarius depicts Julianus with the grandiose title “Rector Orbis,” or ruler of the world. In reality, his authority never extended far beyond the immediate environs of Rome.