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Julian of Pannonia. Usurper, AD 284-285. Antoninianus (22mm, 3.91 g, 12h). Siscia mint, 1st officina. Struck December AD 284. IMP C M AVR IVLIANVS P F AVG, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / VICT ORI A AVG, Victory advancing left, holding wreath in right hand, and palm frond in left arm; S|A//XXI. RIC V 5; Pink VI/2, p. 49; Venèra 4397. Attractive dark olive brown-green patina, area of deposits. Good VF.

Ex MACM inventory MMoCA210C; Baldwin’s 57 (23 September 2008), lot 202.

Marcus Aurelius Sabinus Iulianus, was a corrector in Northern Italy under Carus. In AD 284, during the struggles surrounding the succession between Carinus and Diocletian, Julian usurped imperial authority in Pannonia for a brief period and began issuing coins from Siscia. Carinus marched from his base in Britain to deal with the usurpation, dispensing with Julianus early in AD 285 near Verona.