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Mexico - Maximilian

Ferdinand Maximilian, younger brother of the Austro-Hungarian emperor Francis Joseph, was offered the crown of Mexico in the wake of the occupation of that country by a French-English-Spanish expeditionary force seeking repayment for loans made to the Juárez government. Maximilian had acquired a reputation for a liberal turn of mind (an attitude held in deep suspicion by the European royalty of the day, and probably a good reason for wanting him out of the way), and was undoubtedly sincere in his stated determination to rule in the best interests of his new subjects, and to improve their lot. Unfortunately, the nature of his installation caused undying resentment among the Mexicans, the proclamation of the grandson of Iturbide as his heir stirred up unpleasant memories of the first empire, and with the US protesting the European interference in American affairs the French troops defending him finally withdrew, abandoning Maximilian to his fate. Maximilian attempted to negotiate a settlement with Juárez, but was summarily rebuffed and after a dispirited defense was deposed and exÉcuted by the newly restored regime.

MEXICO. Empire (Maximilian). Maximilian. 1864-1867. AV 20 Pesos (33.71 g, 6h). Mexico City mint. Dated 1866. MAXIMILIANO EMPERADOR, bare head right / IMPERIO MEXICANO 20 PESOS 1866 Mo, crowned coat-of-arms with griffin supporters. KM 389; Friedberg 62