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Historical Article

Gaul - Gallic Wars Against Caesar

As their name implies, Gallic War staters were issued to fund the fight against Julius Caesar in Gaul. Two explanations for the blank obverse have been suggested: firstly, to signify that the coins were minted by a coalition of tribes – ‘headless’ in other words – and, secondly, to speed up the production process, because the coins were often made in a hurry. The latter rationale seems to be more plausible.

CELTIC, Gaul. Ambiani. Circa 58-55 BC. AV Stater (5.48 gm). Gallic War Uniface Type. Plain obverse / M-shaped Celtic horse right, pellets and crescents around, ‘coffee bean’ behind. D&T 237; De la Tour -; Van Arsdell 50.