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Cilicia, Mallos - Tiribazos, Satrap of Lydia

According to the historian Xenophon, at the time of the retreat of the Greeks after the defeat of Cyrus II at Cunaxa, Tiribazos, then satrap of Armenia, proposed a truce with the Greeks while secretly preparing to attack them as they made their way through his territory. His plan backfired; the Greeks put the Persians to flight and succeeded in capturing the satrap's tent. Shortly thereafter, Tiribazos replaced Tiraustes as satrap of Lydia. Soon, the Spartan diplomat Antalkidas arrived at his capital to negotiate a peace between Sparta and the Persian Empire, and end the war which had begun in 399 BC. Tiribazos, convinced by Antialkidas' argument, agreed to help, though he did so without any authorization from the Persian king. In 392 BC, Tiribazos was replaced by Struthas, but returned in 388 BC. Upon his return, he became instrumental in formulating the peace treaty. In 386, he and Orontes were sent by the king to make war on Evagoras of Salamis, the mercenary commander who had helped to defeat the Spartans at Knidos in 394. Soon Orontes began to work against his co-commander by sending unfounded reports back to the Persian king, and Tiribazos was recalled to defend himself. His successful defense not only resulted in his acquittal, but also the promise of marriage to the king's daughter, Amestris. Later the king, however, withdrew his offer, and Tiribazos conspired to assassinate Artaxerxes and replace him with his son, Darius. The plot was soon discovered and Tiribazos was assassinated.

CILICIA, Mallos. Tiribazos, Satrap of Lydia. 393-392; 388-380 BC. AR Stater (10.46 gm). Struck 386-380 BC. 'TRIBZW' in Aramaic right, Baal standing half-left, holding eagle in right hand, sceptre in left; ΜΑΛ to left / Ahura-Mazda, body terminated by solar disk, holding wreath and lotus blossom; AMI in left field (erased from die but still visible). SNG Levante 148 (this coin); SNG France 390 (same dies); cf. BMC Lycaonia pg. 164, 12; SNG Copenhagen 165; SNG von Aulock 5713 (same dies).