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Parthia - Artabanos III

In response to the recent unconventional regimes of Phraatakes and Vonones, Artabanos was an ardent traditionalist. His coinage retruned to the customary styles, except that his legends omitted the title "Philhellene" -- although a time-honored title in Parthia, it was now viewed as a tie to the west that Artabanos no longer desired. Although a powerful king who increased the central authority of his kingdom, his reign was rife with internal civil wars. Forced to flee twice, he nevertheless was always able to regain his throne. The circumstances of his death in 38 AD are unknown. Artabanos had made threats against Rome, even suggesting he aimed to reconquer the territory of the Achaemenids, but his anti-western views never translated to military action due to his constant attention to internal struggles.

KINGS of PARTHIA. Artabanos III. 10-38 AD. AR Drachm (3.82 gm). Ekbatana mint. Diademed bust left, long pointed beard, long hair, no ear or earring visible / BΛCIΛEΩC BΛCIΛEΩN AP-CANOV EVEPΓETOV ΔΙΚΛOV [E]ΠΙΦΛNOVC [ΦΙΛΕ]ΛΛHXOC, Arsakes I seated right on throne, holding bow; monogram below bow. Sellwood 61.7 (Artabanos II); Shore 337 (Artabanos II); BMC Parthia pg. 150, 33; MACW 619 (Artabanos II).