CYRENAICA, Cyrene. Circa 34-31 BC (?) . Æ 28mm (11.27 g, 6h). A. Pupius Rufus, propraetor. KAI TAMIAC, head of Zeus-Ammon right /
Sella castrensis; to right,
fasces to left and right; [
PIOC above sella, [A]NTICTPAT below; [L
L] across field. RPC I 920; BMC 27-31; Müller,
Afrique 425-427. VF, green and brown patina.
A Pupius Rufus was quaestor of the province of Cyrene and is believed to have struck coinage from around 34 BC up to the battle of Actium in 31 BC. His issues bear the traditional Cyrenaican image of Zeus Ammon and the head of Libya on the obverses, while the reverses feature the issuer’s own types: the sella castrensis and the fasces, which are associated with the office of the propraetor, and the sella quaestoria, hasta, and sacculus, which are associated with the office of the quaestor.