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Research Coins: Electronic Auction

244, Lot: 624. Estimate $200.
Sold for $290. This amount does not include the buyer’s fee.

MIXED. Greek-British. Lot Twelve (12) AR and Æ. Includes: GREEK: Thrace, Apollonia Pontika. AR Hemidrachm // Kings of Macedon, Philip III. AR Drachm // ORIENTAL GREEK: Kings of Parthia. Vologases III. AR Drachm // Vologases IV. AR Drachm // ROMAN IMPERIAL: Leo I. Æ // BYZANTINE: Justinian I. Æ Follis // Justin II. Æ Follis // Phocas. Æ Follis // Anonymous. Æ Follis (2) // BRITISH: Henry II. AR Penny // Elizabeth I. AR Halfgroat. Fine to Near EF. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. Twelve (12) coins in lot.