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Research Coins: Electronic Auction

371, Lot: 351. Estimate $100.
Sold for $140. This amount does not include the buyer’s fee.

[Black Sea and Bosporus]. Various. Lot of Five Titles. Includes: Anokhin, V.A. Монеты Античныx гоpoдoB. (Kiev, 1989). Hardbound // Anokhin, V.A. Монетное дело Боспора (Coinage of the Bosporus). (Kiev, 1986). Hardbound // Anokhin, V.A. Монетное дело Херсонеса (IV в. до н.э. - XII в. н.э) (Coinage of Chersonesus (4th century BC - 12 century AD) // Frolova, N.A. Die frühe Münzprägung vom Kimmerischen Bosporos (Mitte 6 bis Anfang 4 Jh. v. Chr. (2004.) Hardbound // Macdonald, David. An Introduction to the History and Coinage of the Kingdom of the Bosporus. (2005). Hardbound with dust cover. Frolova and MacDonald Very Fine, others Very Good to Fine.

From the library of an American dealer.