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Research Coins: The Coin Shop

425814. Sold For $895

PTOLEMAIC KINGS of EGYPT. Ptolemy I Soter. As satrap, 323-305 BC. AR Tetradrachm (26mm, 17.31 g, 7h). In the name and types of Alexander III of Macedon. Tyre mint. Dated RY 33 of ‘Ozmilk, king of Tyre (317/6 BC). Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; n left field, Phoenician ‘K (for ‘Ozmilk) and ||| –= (date). Price 3286 (Ake); Newell, Dated 37 (obv. die XXXI); DCA 737. Good VF, clear date.

From the Byron Schieber Collection.