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Feature Auction

Welcome to the All New CNG Bidding Platform, Lot:

In this first Keystone Auction, CNG presents Part I of the Style Collection. This is a group of Greek, Roman and Byzantine coins assembled with an eye toward superior metal, condition, strike, centering, and, most of all, a certain something extra in the quality of engraving and die preparation. This could be a particularly fine portrait of a ruler, or depiction of a goddess, or rendition of a reverse type. We hope you enjoy this select offering and will participate in this and future offerings of the Style Collection.

Current Status

Welcome to the All New CNG Bidding Platform, Lot:
Closing Date And Time: Nov 20, 2019 at 10:00:00 AM ET.
Current Date And Time: Jul 27, 2024 at 12:12:45 AM ET.
Currently: $55. High Bidder jochkeney. Bidders (10).