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Struck from Fresh Dies


KINGS of MACEDON. Philip III Arrhidaios. 323-317 BC. AR Tetradrachm (26mm, 17.22 g, 8h). In the name and types of Alexander III. Amphipolis mint. Struck under Antipater, circa 322-320 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; Macedonian helmet in left field. Price 113; Troxell, Studies, Issue H3; SNG Saroglos 218–9; ANS 1944.100.28433–6 (same obv. die). Attractive light gray tone. Choice EF. Well centered and struck from fresh dies.

Ex DMS Collection (Triton XXII, 8 January 2019), lot 191.