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5677342. SOLD $2750

KINGS of PAEONIA. Patraos. Circa 335-315 BC. AR Tetradrachm (23.5mm, 12.77 g, 5h). Astibos or Damastion mint(?). Head of Apollo right, with short hair, wearing laurel wreath / Warrior on horse rearing right, thrusting spear held in his right hand at enemy below who defends with shield on his left arm; retrograde ΠA-TPAOY around; conical helmet to lower left. Paeonian Hoard 226 corr. (same dies; rev. die not same as 221); Peykov E2200; HGC 3, 148. Attractively toned. EF.

Ex MACM inventory MMoCA9C; Nomos 2 (18 May 2010), lot 63.