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5677345. SOLD $7950

SELEUKID EMPIRE. Seleukos I Nikator. Second satrapy and kingship, 312-281 BC. AR Tetradrachm (25.5mm, 17.10 g, 4h). Susa mint. Struck circa 305/4-295 BC. Head of hero (Alexander or Seleukos?) right, wearing helmet covered with panther skin and adorned with the ear and horns of a bull / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΣEΛEYKOY, Nike standing right, holding in both hands a wreath that she places on trophy to right; monogram to lower left, monogram in lower middle field. SC 173.4; ESMS Tr.21 (A18/P13); Marest-Caffey Group 1.4, 31 (A5/P15 – this coin); ESM 426; HGC 9, 20; Pozzi 2921 (same obv. die). Lightly toned. Good VF.

Ex MACM inventory MMoCA12C; Manhattan Sale I (5 January 2010), lot 87.