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SELEUKID EMPIRE. Seleukos I Nikator. Second satrapy and kingship, 312-281 BC. AR Drachm (15mm, 3.92 g, 10h). Susa mint. Struck circa 305/4-295 BC. Head of hero (Alexander or Seleukos?) right, wearing helmet covered with panther skin and adorned with the ear and horns of a bull / BAΣIΛE[ΩΣ] ΣEΛEYKOY, Nike standing right, holding in both hands a wreath that she places on trophy to right; monograms to lower left and in lower middle field. SC 174.2; ESMS S-17; Marest-Caffey Group 2.2, – (A2/P3 [unlisted die combination]); ESM 425; HGC 9, 34. Traces of find patina, cleaning scratches. Near EF.