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5685518. SOLD $18950

PTOLEMAIC KINGS of EGYPT. Ptolemy I Soter. 305/4-282 BC. AV Trichryson – 'Pentadrachm' (24.5mm, 17.75 g, 12h). Alexandreia mint. Struck circa 294-282 BC. Diademed head right, wearing aegis around neck, small Δ behind ear / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΠTOΛEMAIOY, eagle standing left on thunderbolt; monogram to left. CPE 166; Svoronos 210; SNG Copenhagen –; Boston MFA 2263; Dewing 2740. Minor edge marks, small flan flaw on obverse. Good VF.

Ex Wild Rose Collection, purchased from Calgary Coin Gallery, August 2015; CNG inventory 735221 (April 2003); Gorny & Mosch 121 (10 March 2003), lot 285.