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Impressive Caesar Aureus


The Caesarians. Julius Caesar. Early 46 BC. AV Aureus (20.5mm, 8.27 g, 4h). Rome mint; A. Hirtius, praetor. Veiled head of female (Vesta or Pietas?) right; C • CAESAR COS TER around / Emblems of the augurate and pontificate: lituus, capis, and securis; A • HIRTIVS • PR around from lower left. Crawford 466/1; Molinari 296-7 (D37/R247); CRI 56; Sydenham 1018; Bahrfeldt 19; Calicó 37; Biaggi –; BMCRR Rome 4052; Kestner 3634-6; RBW 1634. Light hairlines and porosity, edge crimping and flatness. Near EF.

Ex MACM inventory MMoCA31C; Goldberg 59 (30 May 2010), lot 2412.

This coin was part of the first truly large issue of Roman gold aurei, commissioned by Aulus Hirtius, friend and confidant of Julius Caesar, who was praetor in 46 BC. The aurei were struck for distribution to Caesar’s successful troops after their final victory over the Pompeians in Africa at Thapsus. Each legionary received 5,000 denarii (200 aurei), centurions twice that amount. Since Caesar had at least 40,000 legionaries at Thapsus, the amount of gold needed to strike the aurei was immense. But the amount of booty collected from Caesar's many campaigns was also colossal, and Hirtius was able to easily supply the need. Hirtius was nominated by Caesar to serve as Consul in 43 BC; between the time of Caesar’s assassination on March 15, 44 BC and his assumption of the Consulship, he finished and edited the dictator's memoirs and his account of the Roman Civil War of 49-45 BC. Hirtius initially supported Mark Antony, but Cicero successfully lobbied him to switch to the Senatorial faction. He led the Senatorial army at the battle of Mutina in April of 43 BC. Antony was defeated, but Hirtius and his co-Consul C. Vibius Pansa were slain in the fighting, opening the door for the young Octavian to take charge of the Senatorial army and broker a deal with Antony, establishing the Second Triumvirate.