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Wonderful and Very Rare Pulcheria Solidus


Aelia Pulcheria. Augusta, AD 414-453. AV Solidus (21.5mm, 4.47 g, 6h). Constantinople mint. Struck under Theodosius II, AD 443-450. AEL PVLCH ERIA AVG, pearl-diademed and draped bust right, wearing earring and necklace; being crowned by manus Dei above / IMP • XXXXII • COS • XVII • P • P •, Constantinopolis seated left, holding globus cruciger in right hand and scepter in left, left foot on prow; shield to right; star to left; COMOB. RIC X 295; Depeyrot 84/3; Biaggi –. Toned, trace find patina, a few faint scratches. EF. Rare.

Ex Family of Constantine Collection; Tkalec (19 February 2001), lot 425.

The sister of Emperor Theodosius II, Aelia Pulcheria, was a major force in the life of the young emperor. Governing him as a young man until he came of age, Pulcheria prepared the emperor for his duties and served as a constant guiding voice and counselor to him. Present throughout his accomplishments and major events, Pulcheria eventually won the contest between her and her brother’s wife, Aelia Eudocia, who was eventually dismissed from court. While she was a teenager, Pulcheria took a vow of virginity which she maintained until her death. This dedication to God inspired some of Theodosius’ imperial propaganda during wars with the Sasanian Persians, and the Romans considered Pulcheria’s pious dedication of her virginity to be a source of blessing upon the Empire from God. Theodosius died unexpectedly after being mortally injured during a hunting accident in AD 450. Upon his death, Pulcheria was tasked with appointing his successor. She chose a man of Roman stock, though not of nobility, named Marcian. She married the new emperor on the condition that he not make her violate her vow of virginity, to which Marcian agreed. This unconventional marriage was made possible by church officials, who sponsored the agreement and decreed that God approved of the union and arrangement.