Electronic Auction 537Lot: 941. Linzalone, Joseph. Electrum and the Invention of Coinage. (New York, 2011).
Electronic Auction 537Lot: 942. [RIC]. Carradice, I.A. and T.V. Buttrey. Roman Imperial Coinage. Volume II - Part 1. From AD 69-96, Vespasian to Domitian. (London, 2007, second fully revised edition).
Electronic Auction 537Lot: 943. [Sutherland] Carson, R.A.G. and Colin Kraay (editors). Scripta Nummaria Romana, Essays Presented to Humphrey Sutherland. (London, 1978).
Electronic Auction 537Lot: 944. Katz, Viktor. Die erzgebirgische prägemedaille des XVI. jahrhunderts. (Praha, 1931).
Electronic Auction 537Lot: 945. [Kress] Hill, G.F. and Graham Pollard. Renaissance Medals from the Samuel H. Kress Collection at the National Gallery of Art based on the Catalogue of Renaissance Medals in the Gustave Dreyfus Collection. (London, 1967).
Electronic Auction 537Lot: 946. Spengler, William F. and Waynes G. Sayles. Turkoman Figural Bronze Coins and Their Iconography, Vol. I –The Artuqids. (Lodi, WI, 1992).
Electronic Auction 537Lot: 947. Freeman, Sarah Elizabeth. Medals Relating to Medicine and Allied Sciences in the Numismatic Collection of The Johns. Hopkins University. (Germany, 1964).
Electronic Auction 537Lot: 948. [ANA] Bowers, Q. David. The American Numismatic Association Centennial History, Volume I and II. (Wolfeboro, NH, 1991).
Electronic Auction 537Lot: 949. [ANA] Carlson, Carl W.A. and Michael J. Hodder, eds. The American Numismatic Association Anthology. (Wolfeboro, NH, 1991).
Electronic Auction 537Lot: 950. Bowers, Q. David. The Token and Medal Society Guide to U.S. Shell Cards 1867-1880. (Washington D.C., 2014).
Electronic Auction 537Lot: 951. Bowers, Q. David. Commemorative Coins of the United States. A Complete Encyclopedia. (Wolfeboro, NH, 1991).
Electronic Auction 537Lot: 952. [D&H] Dalton, R. & S.H. Hamer. The Provincial Token-Coinage of the 18th Century. (Lawrence, MA, 2nd printing, 1977).
Electronic Auction 537Lot: 953. Greenslet, Phil W.. The Medals Of Franklin, A Catalog of Medals, Tokens, Medallions, And Plaques Issued In Honor of Franklin. (Lake Mary, FL, 1993).
Electronic Auction 537Lot: 954. Judd, J. Hewitt, M.D. United States Pattern, Experimental and Trial Pieces.
Electronic Auction 537Lot: 955. Kagin, Donald H. Private Gold Coins and Patterns of the United States. (New York, 1981).
Electronic Auction 537Lot: 956. McCloskey, John W. The Gobrecht Journal. For Collectors of the Liberty Seated Coin Series, Collective Volume Number One. (Kettering, OH, First edition, 1980).
Electronic Auction 537Lot: 957. Newman, Eric P. and Richard G. Doty, eds. Studies on Money in Early America. (New York, 1976).
Electronic Auction 537Lot: 958. Rust, Alvin E. Mormon and Utah Coin and Currency. (Salt Lake City, UT, 1984).
Electronic Auction 537Lot: 959. Shull, Hugh. A Guide Book of Southern States Currency. (Atlanta, GA, 2007).
Electronic Auction 537Lot: 960. Swiatek, Anthony and Walter Breen. The Encycopedia of United States Silver & Gold Commemorative Coins 1892 to 1954. (New York, NY, Second printing, 1981).