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Electronic Auction 564

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Greek (36 of 232)
Lot 201 image   Lot 202 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 201. JUDAEA, Bar Kochba Revolt. 132-135 CE. Æ (22mm, 5.90 g, 1h). Irregular issue(?). Uncertain date. VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 202. PHILISTIA (PALESTINE), Azotos (Ashdod). Mid 5th century-333 BC. AR Obol (8.5mm, 0.38 g, 12h). VF.

Greek, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 225
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Greek, 12h, Silver
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ : 1 300
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Lot 203 image   Lot 204 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 203. PHILISTIA (PALESTINE), Uncertain mint. Mid 5th century-333 BC. AR Obol (8.5mm, 0.73 g, 9h). Imitating Athens. VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 204. PHILISTIA (PALESTINE), Uncertain mint. Mid 5th century-333 BC. AR Obol (8.5mm, 0.68 g, 3h). Imitating Athens. Near VF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ 130
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 60
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Lot 205 image   Lot 206 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 205. PHILISTIA (PALESTINE), Uncertain mint. Mid 5th century-333 BC. AR Hemiobol (6.5mm, 0.32 g, 6h). Imitating Athens. Near VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 206. PHILISTIA (PALESTINE), Uncertain mint. Circa 353-333 BC. AR Obol (8.5mm, 0.79 g, 2h). Imitating Athens. VF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 90
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 225
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Lot 207 image   Lot 208 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 207. NABATAEA. Syllaios. Usurper, circa 9-6 BC. AR Unit (10mm, 0.71 g, 12h). Petra mint. Near VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 208. ARABIA, Eastern. Mleiha. Uncertain. 1st century BC – 2nd century AD. BI Tetradrachm (22mm, 13.85 g, 6h). Imitating Alexander III of Macedon. Near VF.

Greek, 12h, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
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Greek, Billon
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 170
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Lot 209 image   Lot 210 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 209. ARABIA, Southern. Saba'. Late 4th–mid 2nd centuries BC. AR gms – Half Unit (10.5mm, 1.63 g, 8h). Imitating Athens. VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 210. PERSIA, Achaemenid Empire. temp. Xerxes I to Darios II. Circa 485-420 BC. AR Siglos (14.5mm, 5.34 g). Lydo-Milesian standard. Sardes mint. VF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 300
Sold Price: $ 475
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 200
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Lot 211 image   Lot 212 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 211. PERSIA, Achaemenid Empire. temp. Darios II to Artaxerxes II. Circa 420-375 BC. AR Siglos (14mm, 5.66 g, 12h). Lydo-Milesian standard. Sardes or subsidiary mint. Near VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 212. PERSIA, Achaemenid Empire. temp. Darios II to Artaxerxes II. Circa 420-375 BC. AR Siglos (15.5mm, 5.56 g). Lydo-Milesian standard. Sardes or subsidiary mint. Near VF.

Greek, 12h, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 60
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 80
Go to Live
Lot 213 image   Lot 214 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 213. PERSIA, Achaemenid Empire. temp. Artaxerxes II. Circa 360 BC. AR Obol (10.5mm, 0.66 g, 8h). Uncertain mint in Cilicia. Near EF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 214. PERSIA, Achaemenid Empire. Spithridates. Satrap of Sparda (Lydia and Ionia), circa 334 BC. AR Tetrobol (15mm, 3.06 g, 11h). Lampsakos (Mysia) mint(?). Near EF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 200
Sold Price: $ 750
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 400
Sold Price: $ : 1 700
Go to Live
Lot 215 image   Lot 216 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 215. PTOLEMAIC KINGS of EGYPT. Ptolemy I Soter. As satrap, 323-305/4 BC. AR Tetradrachm (31mm, 16.25 g, 11h). In the name and types of Alexander III of Macedon. Memphis or Alexandreia mint. Struck circa 323-317 BC. VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 216. PTOLEMAIC KINGS of EGYPT. Ptolemy I Soter. 305/4-282 BC. Æ Hemiobol (16mm, 4.04 g, 12h). Palai Paphos. Struck circa 294–282 BC. Good Fine.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 400
Sold Price: $ 1 100
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Greek, 12h, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 225
Go to Live
Lot 217 image   Lot 218 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 217. PTOLEMAIC KINGS of EGYPT. Ptolemy II Philadelphos. 285-246 BC. Æ Diobol (29mm, 16.36 g, 12h). Alexandreia mint. Series 2F, circa 275/4-246 BC. Near VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 218. PTOLEMAIC KINGS of EGYPT. Ptolemy II Philadelphos. 285-246 BC. AR Tetradrachm (26mm, 13.58 g, 12h). Tyre mint. Undated issue, struck circa 274 BC. VF.

Greek, 12h, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
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Greek, 12h, Silver
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ : 180
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Lot 219 image   Lot 220 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 219. PTOLEMAIC KINGS of EGYPT. Ptolemy II Philadelphos. 285-246 BC. AR Tetradrachm (27mm, 14.16 g, 12h). Tyre mint. Dated RY 36 (250/49 BC). VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 220. PTOLEMAIC KINGS of EGYPT. Ptolemy II Philadelphos. 285-246 BC. Æ (26.5mm, 17.49 g, 6h). Imitative issue under Hieron II of Syracuse. Mint in Sicily. Struck circa 264–263 BC. Good VF.

Greek, 12h, Silver
Estimated: $ 250
Sold Price: $ 325
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Greek, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 70
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Lot 221 image   Lot 222 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 221. PTOLEMAIC KINGS of EGYPT. Ptolemy III Euergetes. 246-222 BC. Æ Trihemiobol (27mm, 16.33 g, 1h). Alexandreia mint. Series 4C. Near VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 222. PTOLEMAIC KINGS of EGYPT. Ptolemy VI Philometor. Second sole reign, 163-145 BC. AR Didrachm (21.5mm, 6.78 g, 1h). Uncertain mint in Cyprus. Dated year 109 of an uncertain era (154/3 BC). VF.

Greek, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 60
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ : 170
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Lot 223 image   Lot 224 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 223. PTOLEMAIC KINGS of EGYPT. Kleopatra III & Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros). 117/6-108/7 BC. AR Tetradrachm (25mm, 13.83 g, 12h). Alexandreia mint. Dated RY 10 (108/7 BC). VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 224. PTOLEMAIC KINGS of EGYPT. Kleopatra VII Thea Neotera. 51-30 BC. AR Tetradrachm (25mm, 13.73 g, 12h). Alexandreia mint. Dated RY 15 (38/7 BC). VF.

Greek, 12h, Silver
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ 100
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Greek, 12h, Silver
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ : 550
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Lot 225 image   Lot 226 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 225. PTOLEMAIC KINGS of EGYPT. Kleopatra VII Thea Neotera. 51-30 BC. AR Tetradrachm (23mm, 13.91 g, 12h). Alexandreia mint. Dated RY 22 (31/0 BC). VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 226. PTOLEMAIC KINGS of EGYPT. Kleopatra VII Thea Neotera. 51-30 BC. Æ Diobol – 80 Drachmai (29.5mm, 20.31 g, 12h). Alexandreia mint. Near VF.

Greek, 12h, Silver
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ 500
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Greek, 12h, Bronze
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ : 1 300
Go to Live
Lot 227 image   Lot 228 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 227. PTOLEMAIC KINGS of EGYPT. Kleopatra VII Thea Neotera. 51-30 BC. Æ Diobol – 80 Drachmai (25.5mm, 16.31 g, 12h). Alexandreia mint. Fine.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 228. PTOLEMAIC KINGS of EGYPT. Kleopatra VII Thea Neotera. 51-30 BC. Æ Diobol – 80 Drachmai (26mm, 15.71 g, 12h). Alexandreia mint. Near Fine.

Greek, 12h, Bronze
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ 600
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Greek, 12h, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 180
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Lot 229 image   Lot 230 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 229. PTOLEMAIC KINGS of EGYPT. Kleopatra VII Thea Neotera. 51-30 BC. Æ Diobol – 80 Drachmai (27mm, 17.70 g, 12h). Alexandreia mint. Fair.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 230. PTOLEMAIC KINGS of EGYPT. Kleopatra VII Thea Neotera. 51-30 BC. Æ Obol – 40 Drachmai (20mm, 8.17 g, 12h). Alexandreia mint. Near Fine.

Greek, 12h, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 180
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Greek, 12h, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 130
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Lot 231 image   Lot 232 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 231. KYRENAICA, Koinon. Circa 250-246 BC. Æ (24mm, 12.35 g, 12h). VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 232. KYRENAICA, Kyrene. temp. Magas. Circa 294-275 BC. AR Didrachm (19mm, 7.54 g, 1h). VF.

Greek, 12h, Bronze
Estimated: $ 200
Sold Price: $ 250
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 200
Sold Price: $ : 350
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Lot 233 image   Lot 234 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 233. KYRENAICA, Kyrene. temp. Magas. Circa 294-275 BC. AR Didrachm (21mm, 7.41 g, 12h). VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 234. KINGS of NUMIDIA. Juba I. Circa 60-46 BC. AR Denarius (19mm, 3.54 g, 10h). Utica mint. Near EF.

Greek, 12h, Silver
Estimated: $ 200
Sold Price: $ 250
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ : 300
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Lot 235 image   Lot 236 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 235. KINGS of MAURETANIA. Juba II. 25 BC-AD 24. AR Denarius (18mm, 3.85 g, 5h). Caesarea mint. Dated RY 36 (AD 11/2). VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 236. KINGS of MAURETANIA. Juba II, with Kleopatra Selene. 25 BC-AD 24. AR Denarius (18.5mm, 2.92 g, 5h). Caesarea mint. Good VF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 200
Sold Price: $ 150
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 200
Sold Price: $ : 300
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Oriental Greek (31)
Lot 237 image   Lot 238 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 237. KINGS of PARTHIA. Mithradates I. 165-132 BC. AR Tetradrachm (27mm, 15.62 g, 12h). Seleukeia on the Tigris mint. Struck circa 141/0 BC. NGC Ch VF, 4/5, 3/5, scratches.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 238. KINGS of PARTHIA. Mithradates II. 121-91 BC. AR Drachm (21mm, 4.15 g, 12h). Ekbatana mint. Phase III, circa 111/110-100/99 BC. EF.

Oriental Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ 2 750
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Oriental Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ : 170
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Lot 239 image   Lot 240 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 239. KINGS of PARTHIA. Mithradates II. 121-91 BC. AR Drachm (22mm, 4.14 g, 12h). Ekbatana mint. Phase IV, circa 99/98-91 BC. EF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 240. KINGS of PARTHIA. Mithradates II. 121-91 BC. AR Drachm (21mm, 4.08 g, 12h). Ekbatana mint. Phase IV, circa 99/98-91 BC. EF.

Oriental Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 130
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Oriental Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ : 200
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Lot 241 image   Lot 242 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 241. KINGS of PARTHIA. Sinatrukes. 93/2-70/69 BC (Intermittently). AR Drachm (20.5mm, 4.08 g, 12h). Rhagai mint. VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 242. KINGS of PARTHIA. Mithradates IV. 58/7-55 BC. AR Drachm (20mm, 3.65 g, 12h). Court mint at Mithradatkart. Good VF.

Oriental Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 170
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Oriental Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 275
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Lot 243 image   Lot 244 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 243. KINGS of PARTHIA. Phraates IV. Circa 38/7-2 BC. BI Tetradrachm (30mm, 14.16 g, 12h). Dated Hyperberetaios SE 286 (September 26 BC). Near VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 244. KINGS of PARTHIA. Phraates IV. Circa 38/7-2 BC. AR Drachm (22mm, 3.78 g, 12h). Ekbatana mint. Good VF.

Oriental Greek, Billon
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 300
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Oriental Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 70
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Lot 245 image   Lot 246 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 245. KINGS of PARTHIA. Vonones I. Circa AD 8-12. AR Drachm (21mm, 4.04 g, 12h). Ekbatana mint. Good VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 246. KINGS of PARTHIA. Pakoros I. Circa AD 78-120. AR Drachm (22mm, 2.81 g, 12h). Ekbatana mint. VF.

Oriental Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 325
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Oriental Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 200
Go to Live
Lot 247 image   Lot 248 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 247. KINGS of PARTHIA. Vologases III. Circa AD 105-147. BI Tetradrachm (27mm, 12.85 g, 12h). Seleukeia on the Tigris mint. Dated 433 SE (January AD 121/2). Near VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 248. KINGS of PARTHIA. Vologases III. Circa AD 105-147. BI Tetradrachm (29mm, 12.21 g, 12h). Seleukeia on the Tigris mint. Dated SE 434 (AD 121/2). NGC XF, 4/5, 2/5, edge scuff.

Oriental Greek, Billon
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 150
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Oriental Greek, Billon
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ : 225
Go to Live
Lot 249 image   Lot 250 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 249. KINGS of PARTHIA. Vologases III. Circa AD 105-147. BI Tetradrachm (27mm, 12.85 g, 12h). Seleukeia on the Tigris mint. Dated 436 SE (AD 124/5). VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 250. KINGS of PARTHIA. Vologases III. Circa AD 111-146. BI Tetradrachm (26mm, 13.50 g, 12h). Seleukeia on the Tigris mint. Dated 438 SE (AD 126/7). VF.

Oriental Greek, Billon
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 325
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Oriental Greek, Billon
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 140
Go to Live
Lot 251 image   Lot 252 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 251. KINGS of PARTHIA. Vologases IV. Circa AD 147-191. Æ Chalkous (16mm, 3.36 g, 12h). Seleukeia on the Tigris mint. Dated SE 482 (170/1 AD). Good VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 252. KINGS of PERSIS. Uncertain king I. 2nd century BC. AR Drachm (15mm, 3.98 g, 6h). Istakhr (Persepolis) mint. VF.

Oriental Greek, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 950
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Oriental Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ : 90
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Lot 253 image   Lot 254 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 253. BAKTRIA, Local issues. Circa 285/3-280/78 BC. AR Drachm (14mm, 3.25 g, 6h). Local standard. Uncertain mint in the Oxus region. .


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 254. BAKTRIA, Greco-Baktrian Kingdom. Diodotos I Soter. Circa 255-235 BC. AV Stater (19mm, 8.33 g, 12h). In the name of Antiochos II of Syria. Mint A (near Aï Khanoum). Good VF.

Oriental Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 250
Sold Price: $ 375
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Oriental Greek, Gold
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ : 1 600
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Lot 255 image   Lot 256 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 255. BAKTRIA, Greco-Baktrian Kingdom. Diodotos I Soter. Circa 255-235 BC. AV Stater (19.5mm, 8.34 g, 12h). In the name of Antiochos II of Syria. Mint A (near Aï Khanoum). Good VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 256. BAKTRIA, Greco-Baktrian Kingdom. Diodotos II Theos. Circa 235-225 BC. AR Drachm (17mm, 3.69 g, 12h). Mint B ("Baktra"). VF.

Oriental Greek, Gold
Estimated: $ 1 500
Sold Price: $ 1 600
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Oriental Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 300
Sold Price: $ : 1 300
Go to Live
Lot 257 image   Lot 258 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 257. BAKTRIA, Greco-Baktrian Kingdom. Apollodotos I Soter. Circa 180-160 BC. Æ (25x27mm, 9.35 g, 12h). Square module. VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 258. BAKTRIA, Greco-Baktrian Kingdom. Eukratides I Megas. Circa 170-145 BC. AR Drachm (21mm, 4.23 g, 12h). Good VF.

Oriental Greek, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 90
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Oriental Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 300
Sold Price: $ : 350
Go to Live
Lot 259 image   Lot 260 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 259. BAKTRIA, Greco-Baktrian Kingdom. Eukratides I Megas. Circa 170-145 BC. AR Tetradrachm (32mm, 16.62 g, 12h). Dynastic pedigree issue. VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 260. BAKTRIA, Greco-Baktrian Kingdom. Heliokles Dikaios. Circa 145-130 BC. AR Tetradrachm (33mm, 15.11 g, 12h). VF.

Oriental Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ 2 250
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Oriental Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 200
Sold Price: $ : 550
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Lot 261 image   Lot 262 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 261. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kingdom. Menander I Soter. Circa 155-130 BC. Æ (14x15mm, 3.30 g, 12h). Square module. VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 262. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kingdom. Menander I Soter. Circa 155-130 BC. Æ (24x25mm, 21.59 g, 12h). Square module. Near VF.

Oriental Greek, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 60
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Oriental Greek, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 80
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Lot 263 image   Lot 264 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 263. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kingdom. Antialkidas Nikephoros. Circa 130-120 BC. AR Drachm (17mm, 2.45 g, 12h). Good VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 264. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kingdom. Antialkidas Nikephoros. Circa 130-120 BC. Æ (21x20mm, 9.14 g, 12h). Square module. VF.

Oriental Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 200
Sold Price: $ 1 100
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Oriental Greek, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 80
Go to Live
Lot 265 image   Lot 266 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 265. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kingdom. Philoxenos Aniketos. Circa 100-80 BC. AR Tetradrachm (27mm, 9.19 g, 12h). Good VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 266. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kingdom. Strato I Soter. Circa 105-85/0 BC. Æ (23x23mm, 9.08 g, 12h). Square module. VF.

Oriental Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ 450
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Oriental Greek, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 160
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Lot 267 image  

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 267. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kingdom. Artemidoros Aniketos. Circa 100-80 BC. AR Drachm (17mm, 2.19 g, 12h). VF.

Oriental Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 400
Sold Price: $ 1 300
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Central Asian (33 of 48)
Lot 268 image   Lot 269 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 268. YUEZHI. Arseiles. Late 1st century BC. AR Hemidrachm (15.5mm, 1.85 g, 12h). VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 269. KHWAREZMIA, Afrighids. Sawšafan. Second half of 8th century AD. AR Drachm (26mm, 2.91 g, 12h). Good VF.

Central Asian, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 450
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Central Asian, Silver
Estimated: $ 200
Sold Price: $ : 120
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Lot 270 image   Lot 271 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 270. INDO-PARTHIANS, Gondopharid Dynasty. Orthagnes (Gondophares-Gadana). Circa 1 BC-AD 20/30. CU Tetradrachm (24mm, 8.40 g, 12h). Uncertain mint in Arachosia. VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 271. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Maues. Circa 125-85 BC. Fourrée AR Drachm (19mm, 2.30 g, 12h). Near VF.

Central Asian, Copper
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ 325
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Central Asian, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 170
Go to Live
Lot 272 image   Lot 273 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 272. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Maues. Circa 125-85 BC. AR Drachm (16x15mm, 2.21 g, 12h). Square module. Uncertain northwestern mint. VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 273. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Maues. Circa 125-85 BC. AR Drachm (17x16mm, 2.04 g, 12h). Square module. Uncertain northwestern mint. VF.

Central Asian, Silver
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ 130
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Central Asian, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 80
Go to Live
Lot 274 image   Lot 275 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 274. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Maues. Circa 125-85 BC. CU (14x14mm, 1.65 g, 12h). Square module. VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 275. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Maues. Circa 125-85 BC. CU (25x23mm, 9.40 g, 12h). Square module. Near VF.

Central Asian, Copper
Estimated: $ 100
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Central Asian, Copper
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ : 180
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Lot 276 image   Lot 277 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 276. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Maues. Circa 125-85 BC. CU (25mm, 6.68 g, 12h). VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 277. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Maues. Circa 125-85 BC. CU (25x22.5mm, 9.82 g, 12h). Square module. .

Central Asian, Copper
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ 110
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Central Asian, Copper
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 70
Go to Live
Lot 278 image   Lot 279 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 278. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Maues. Circa 125-85 BC. CU (23x23mm, 8.96 g, 12h). Square module. Good Fine.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 279. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Maues. Circa 125-85 BC. CU (25x20mm, 11.06 g, 12h). Near VF.

Central Asian, Copper
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 110
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Central Asian, Copper
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 120
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Lot 280 image   Lot 281 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 280. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Maues. Circa 125-85 BC. CU (23x23mm, 9.48 g, 12h). Square module. Near VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 281. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Maues. Circa 125-85 BC. CU (24x21mm, 7.58 g, 12h). Near VF.

Central Asian, Copper
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 150
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Central Asian, Copper
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 450
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Lot 282 image   Lot 283 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 282. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Maues. Circa 125-85 BC. CU (26x28mm, 12.09 g, 12h). Square module. Fine.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 283. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Azilises. Circa 85-45/35 BC. AR Tetradrachm (27mm, 9.43 g, 12h). VF.

Central Asian, Copper
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ 90
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Central Asian, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 450
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Lot 284 image   Lot 285 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 284. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Azilises. Circa 85-45/35 BC. CU Quarter Unit (17x17mm, 3.12 g, 12h). Square module. Near VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 285. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Azilises. Circa 85-45/35 BC. CU Unit (24x24mm, 8.10 g, 12h). Square module. Near VF.

Central Asian, Copper
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 60
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Central Asian, Copper
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 70
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Lot 286 image   Lot 287 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 286. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Azilises. Circa 85-45/35 BC. CU Half Unit (20x17mm, 4.18 g, 12h). Square module. Good Fine.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 287. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Azilises. Circa 85-45/35 BC. CU Quarter Unit (14x15mm, 2.10 g, 12h). Square module. VF.

Central Asian, Copper
Estimated: $ 100
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Central Asian, Copper
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 80
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Lot 288 image   Lot 289 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 288. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Azilises. Circa 85-45/35 BC. CU Quarter Unit (15x16mm, 2.21 g, 12h). Square module. Near VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 289. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Azilises. Circa 85-45/35 BC. CU Quarter Unit (15x16mm, 1.41 g, 12h). Square module. Near VF.

Central Asian, Copper
Estimated: $ 100
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Central Asian, Copper
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 70
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Lot 290 image   Lot 291 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 290. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Azilises. Circa 85-45/35 BC. CU Unit (22x23.5mm, 8.21 g, 12h). Square module. VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 291. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Azilises. Circa 85-45/35 BC. CU Eighth Unit (12.5x12.5mm, 1.18 g, 12h). Square module. Good Fine.

Central Asian, Copper
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 90
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Central Asian, Copper
Estimated: $ 100
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Lot 292 image   Lot 293 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 292. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Vonones, with Spalahores. Circa 75-65 BC. AR Tetradrachm (24mm, 9.82 g, 12h). VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 293. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Vonones, with Spalahores. Circa 75-65 BC. CU Half Unit (19x19mm, 4.17 g, 12h). Square module. Good Fine.

Central Asian, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 180
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Central Asian, Copper
Estimated: $ 100
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Lot 294 image   Lot 295 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 294. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Vonones, with Spalahores. Circa 75-65 BC. CU Quarter Unit (15x15mm, 2.09 g, 12h). Square module. Near VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 295. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Spalahores, with Spalagadames. Circa 75-65 BC. CU (21x21.5mm, 8.00 g, 12h). Square module. Good Fine.

Central Asian, Copper
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 60
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Central Asian, Copper
Estimated: $ 100
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Lot 296 image   Lot 297 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 296. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Spalirises. Circa 70-58 BC. CU (22x23mm, 8.41 g, 12h). Square module. Near VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 297. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Spalirises, with Azes. Circa 60-58 BC. CU (28mm, 8.42 g, 12h). Round module. Good VF.

Central Asian, Copper
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 110
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Central Asian, Copper
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ : 800
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Lot 298 image   Lot 299 image

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 298. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Azes. Circa 58-12 BC. AR Tetradrachm (27mm, 9.31 g, 12h). VF.


Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 299. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Azes. Circa 58-12 BC. CU Unit (24x24mm, 13.27 g, 12h). Square module. VF.

Central Asian, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 130
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Central Asian, Copper
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 110
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Lot 300 image  

Electronic Auction 564
Lot: 300. INDO-SKYTHIANS. Azes. Circa 58-12 BC. CU Unit (24x25mm, 8.77 g, 12h). Square module. Fine.

Central Asian, Copper
Estimated: $ 100
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