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Electronic Auction 566

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Roman Provincial (88 of 218)
Lot 401 image   Lot 402 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 401. CILICIA, Zephyrium-Hadrianopolis. Hadrian, with Sabina. AD 117-138. Æ (25mm, 11.54 g, 12h). Near VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 402. ISLANDS off CILICIA, Elaeussa Sebaste. Valerian I. AD 253-260. Æ (26mm, 10.95 g, 6h). Near VF.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 140
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 90
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Lot 403 image   Lot 404 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 403. GALATIA, Ancyra. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Æ (25mm, 8.05 g, 12h). Good Fine.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 404. CAPPADOCIA, Caesarea-Eusebia. Caracalla. AD 198-217. Æ Unit (29mm, 15.90 g, 12h). Dated RY 14 of Septimius Severus (AD 206). Good Fine.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 60
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 400
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Lot 405 image   Lot 406 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 405. CAPPADOCIA, Caesarea-Eusebia. Macrinus. AD 217-218. Æ Unit (28mm, 12.58 g, 1h). Dated RY 2 (AD 218). VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 406. ASIA MINOR, Uncertain. Domitian, with Domitia. AD 81-96. AR Cistophorus (25mm, 10.83 g, 6h). Rome(?) mint. Struck circa AD 82. Fine.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 70
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Roman Provincial, Silver
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ : 250
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Lot 407 image   Lot 408 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 407. CYRRHESTICA, Hierapolis. Caracalla. AD 198-217. BI Tetradrachm (28mm, 12.80 g, 1h). Struck AD 215-217. VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 408. SELEUCIS and PIERIA, Antioch. Nero. AD 54-68. AR Tetradrachm (26mm, 15.23 g, 12h). Dated RY 6 and year 108 of the Caesarean Era (AD 59/60). Near VF.

Roman Provincial, Billon
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 275
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Roman Provincial, Silver
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ : 250
Go to Live
Lot 409 image   Lot 410 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 409. SELEUCIS and PIERIA, Antioch. Vespasian. AD 69-79. AR Tetradrachm (27.5mm, 15.76 g, 12h). Dated “New Holy Year” 2 (AD 69/70). VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 410. SELEUCIS and PIERIA, Antioch. Marcus Aurelius. As Caesar, AD 139-161. Æ As (22mm, 10.68 g, 12h). Near VF.

Roman Provincial, Silver
Estimated: $ 200
Sold Price: $ 200
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 250
Go to Live
Lot 411 image   Lot 412 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 411. SELEUCIS and PIERIA, Antioch. Caracalla. AD 198-217. BI Tetradrachm (26mm, 13.40 g, 11h). Struck circa AD 214-215. Near EF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 412. DECAPOLIS, Dium. Caracalla. AD 198-217. Æ (26mm, 13.79 g, 1h). Dated CY 268 (205/6 CE). Fine.

Roman Provincial, Billon
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 130
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Go to Live
Lot 413 image   Lot 414 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 413. DECAPOLIS, Dium. Geta. As Caesar, AD 198-209. Æ (22mm, 11.70 g, 12h). Dated CY 270 (AD 207/8). Near VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 414. DECAPOLIS, Gadara. Titus. As Caesar, AD 69-79. Æ (18mm, 4.88 g, 12h). Dated CY 137 (AD 73/4). VF.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 60
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 160
Go to Live
Lot 415 image   Lot 416 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 415. DECAPOLIS, Gadara. Caracalla. AD 198-217. BI Tetradrachm (26mm, 10.97 g, 6h). Dated CY 137 (AD 73/4). Near VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 416. DECAPOLIS, Nysa-Scythopolis. Antoninus Pius. AD 138-161. Æ (22mm, 7.43 g, 12h). Good Fine.

Roman Provincial, Billon
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ 800
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Go to Live
Lot 417 image   Lot 418 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 417. DECAPOLIS, Nysa-Scythopolis. Elagabalus. AD 218-222. Æ (25mm, 13.38 g, 7h). Dated CY 282 (AD 218/9). Near VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 418. DECAPOLIS, Pella. Domitian. AD 81-96. Æ (12mm, 2.99 g, 1h). Dated CY 145 (AD 81/2). VF.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 70
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 170
Go to Live
Lot 419 image   Lot 420 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 419. DECAPOLIS, Petra. Hadrian. AD 117-138. Æ (24.5mm, 10.89 g, 6h). VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 420. DECAPOLIS, Petra. Hadrian. AD 117-138. Æ (16mm, 2.96 g, 12h). Good VF.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 100
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 100
Go to Live
Lot 421 image   Lot 422 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 421. DECAPOLIS, Petra. Commodus. AD 177-192. Æ (17mm, 4.09 g, 5h). VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 422. DECAPOLIS, Petra. Elagabalus. AD 218-222. Æ (17mm, 5.81 g, 6h). Near VF.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Go to Live
Lot 423 image   Lot 424 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 423. PHOENICIA, Ace-Ptolemais. Caracalla. AD 198-217. BI Tetradrachm (27mm, 12.46 g, 12h). Struck AD 215-217. VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 424. PHOENICIA, Ace-Ptolemais. Caracalla. AD 198-217. BI Tetradrachm (27mm, 14.60 g, 6h). Struck AD 215-217. Good VF.

Roman Provincial, Billon
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 160
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Roman Provincial, Billon
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 140
Go to Live
Lot 425 image   Lot 426 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 425. PHOENICIA, Ace-Ptolemais. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Æ (26mm, 13.79 g, 12h). Near VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 426. PHOENICIA, Tyre. Valerian I. AD 253-260. Æ (27mm, 14.31 g, 12h). Good Fine.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ 110
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 140
Go to Live
Lot 427 image   Lot 428 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 427. PHOENICIA, Tyre. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Æ (30mm, 16.29 g, 12h). Near VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 428. PHOENICIA, Tyre. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Æ (26mm, 11.36 g, 7h). Fine.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 170
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ : 170
Go to Live
Lot 429 image   Lot 430 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 429. JUDAEA, Herodians. Herod I (the Great). 40-4 BCE. Æ Eight Prutot (24.5mm, 9.55 g, 6h). Mint in Samaria (Sebaste?). Dated RY 3 (38/7 BCE). VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 430. JUDAEA, Herodians. Agrippa II, with Nero. Circa 50-100 CE. Æ (24mm, 10.08 g, 12h). Caesarea Panias (as Neronias) mint. Struck 61-68 CE. VF.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 300
Sold Price: $ 400
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 200
Sold Price: $ : 950
Go to Live
Lot 431 image   Lot 432 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 431. JUDAEA, Procurators. Pontius Pilate. 26-36 CE. Æ Prutah (15mm, 2.13 g, 9h). In the name of Tiberius. Jerusalem mint. Dated RY 17 of Tiberius (30/1 CE). Good Fine.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 432. JUDAEA, Roman Administration. Claudius, with Britannicus, Antonia, and Octavia. AD 41-54. Æ 8 Units (22mm, 9.61 g, 12h). Pre-royal issue of Agrippa II. Caesarea Panias (Caesarea Philippi) mint. Struck before 49 CE. Fine.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 170
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Go to Live
Lot 433 image   Lot 434 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 433. JUDAEA, Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem). Hadrian. 117-138 CE. Æ (17mm, 5.30 g, 6h). Struck 130-138 CE. Near VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 434. JUDAEA, Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem). Hadrian. AD 117-138. Æ (11mm, 1.81 g, 6h). Struck 130-138 CE. Good Fine.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ 180
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 60
Go to Live
Lot 435 image   Lot 436 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 435. JUDAEA, Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem). Antoninus Pius. 138-161 CE. Æ (23mm, 12.13 g, 12h). Fine.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 436. JUDAEA, Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem). Antoninus Pius. 138-161 CE. Æ (23mm, 10.00 g, 6h). Near VF.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 180
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Go to Live
Lot 437 image   Lot 438 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 437. JUDAEA, Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem). Antoninus Pius. 138-161 CE. Æ (15mm, 3.78 g, 7h). VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 438. JUDAEA, Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem). Antoninus Pius. 138-161 CE. Æ (24mm, 10.68 g, 6h). Near VF.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 100
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 60
Go to Live
Lot 439 image   Lot 440 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 439. JUDAEA, Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem). Antoninus Pius. 138-161 CE. Æ (19mm, 5.35 g, 11h). Near VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 440. JUDAEA, Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem). Antoninus Pius. 138-161 CE. Æ (18mm, 5.15 g, 11h). Good Fine.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 80
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 60
Go to Live
Lot 441 image   Lot 442 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 441. JUDAEA, Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem). Commodus. 177-192 CE. Æ (27mm, 17.61 g, 11h). Struck circa 180-182 CE. Near VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 442. JUDAEA, Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem). Commodus. 177-192 CE. Æ (23mm, 9.24 g, 1h). Fine.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 80
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 60
Go to Live
Lot 443 image   Lot 444 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 443. JUDAEA, Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem). Commodus. 177-192 CE. Æ (23mm, 10.70 g, 6h). Good Fine.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 444. JUDAEA, Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem). Elagabalus. 218-222 CE. Æ (23mm, 8.81 g, 5h). Fine.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 70
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 70
Go to Live
Lot 445 image   Lot 446 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 445. JUDAEA, Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem). Elagabalus. 218-222 CE. Æ (23.5mm, 9.47 g, 12h). Good Fine.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 446. JUDAEA, Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem). Severus Alexander. AD 222-235. Æ (23mm, 10.98 g, 6h). Good Fine.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 100
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 170
Go to Live
Lot 447 image   Lot 448 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 447. JUDAEA, Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem). Herennius Etruscus. As Caesar, AD 249-251. Æ (25mm, 12.79 g, 12h). Good Fine.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 448. JUDAEA, Caesarea Maritima. Hostilian. As Caesar, 250-251 CE. Æ (19mm, 7.25 g, 1h). Good Fine.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 60
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 110
Go to Live
Lot 449 image   Lot 450 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 449. JUDAEA, Eleutheropolis. Septimius Severus. 193-211 CE. Æ (26mm, 17.12 g, 12h). Dated CY 3 (201/2 CE). VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 450. JUDAEA, Eleutheropolis. Julia Domna. Augusta, 193-217 CE. Æ (20mm, 4.57 g, 12h). Dated CY 9 of Septimius Severus (AD 207/8). Good Fine.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ 120
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 325
Go to Live
Lot 451 image   Lot 452 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 451. JUDAEA, Eleutheropolis. Caracalla. 198-217 CE. Æ (22.5mm, 9.73 g, 12h). Dated RY 8 (206/7 CE). Near VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 452. JUDAEA, Eleutheropolis. Elagabalus. 218-222 CE. Æ (23mm, 12.00 g, 6h). Dated CY 19 (218 CE). Good Fine.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 100
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 60
Go to Live
Lot 453 image   Lot 454 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 453. JUDAEA, Neapolis. Antoninus Pius. 138-161 CE. Æ (32mm, 20.14 g, 11h). Dated CY 87 (159 CE). Fine.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 454. JUDAEA, Neapolis. Marcus Aurelius. As Caesar, 139-161 CE. Æ (24mm, 10.36 g, 12h). Dated CY 88 (159/60 CE). Near VF.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 200
Sold Price: $ 120
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Go to Live
Lot 455 image   Lot 456 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 455. JUDAEA, Neapolis. Marcus Aurelius. As Caesar, 139-161 CE. Æ (24mm, 10.36 g, 12h). Dated CY 88 (159/60 CE). Near VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 456. JUDAEA, Neapolis. Faustina Junior. Augusta, 147-175 CE. Æ (26mm, 12.28 g, 12h). Dated CY 88 (159/60 CE). Near VF.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Go to Live
Lot 457 image   Lot 458 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 457. JUDAEA, Neapolis. Faustina Junior. Augusta, 147-175 CE. Æ (21mm, 7.00 g, 12h). Dated CY 89 (160/1 CE). Near VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 458. JUDAEA, Neapolis. Commodus. 177-192 CE. Æ (20mm, 5.23 g, 2h). VF.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 140
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 60
Go to Live
Lot 459 image   Lot 460 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 459. JUDAEA, Neapolis. Caracalla. 198-217 CE. BI Tetradrachm (28mm, 12.18 g, 12h). Struck 215-217 CE. Good VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 460. JUDAEA, Neapolis. Elagabalus. 218-222 CE. Æ (21mm, 10.50 g, 7h). Good Fine.

Roman Provincial, Billon
Estimated: $ 200
Sold Price: $ 750
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 130
Go to Live
Lot 461 image   Lot 462 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 461. JUDAEA, Neapolis. Elagabalus. 218-222 CE. Æ (14mm, 3.38 g, 6h). VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 462. JUDAEA, Neapolis. Philip I. 244-249 CE. Æ (28mm, 16.08 g, 6h). Good Fine.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 60
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Go to Live
Lot 463 image   Lot 464 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 463. JUDAEA, Neapolis. Otacilia Severa. Augusta, AD 244-249. Æ (28mm, 15.69 g, 7h). Good Fine.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 464. JUDAEA, Neapolis. Philip II. AD 247-249. Æ (28mm, 16.19 g, 12h). Fine.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 200
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Go to Live
Lot 465 image   Lot 466 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 465. JUDAEA, Neapolis. Trebonianus Gallus. 251-253 CE. Æ (23mm, 10.26 g, 7h). VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 466. JUDAEA, Neapolis. Trebonianus Gallus. 251-253 CE. Æ (26mm, 12.36 g, 6h). Near VF.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 150
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 80
Go to Live
Lot 467 image   Lot 468 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 467. DECAPOLIS, Petra. Elagabalus. AD 218-222. Æ (18mm, 3.68 g, 11h). VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 468. ARABIA, Charachmoba. Elagabalus. AD 218-222. Æ (19mm, 5.74 g, 12h). Fine.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 160
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 60
Go to Live
Lot 469 image   Lot 470 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 469. EGYPT, Alexandria. Augustus (Octavian). 27 BC-AD 14. Æ Diobol – 80 Drachmai (26mm, 16.82 g, 12h). First series, struck circa 30-28 BC. VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 470. EGYPT, Alexandria. Vespasian. AD 69-79. Æ Diobol (26mm, 13.85 g, 12h). Dated RY 4 (AD 71/2). Good VF.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 300
Sold Price: $ 450
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 140
Go to Live
Lot 471 image   Lot 472 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 471. EGYPT, Alexandria. Trajan. AD 98-117. Æ Drachm (34mm, 23.34 g, 1h). Dated RY 14 (AD 110/1). Good Fine.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 472. EGYPT, Alexandria. Hadrian. AD 117-138. Æ Drachm (34.5mm, 27.89 g, 12h). Dated RY 20 (AD 135/6). Near VF.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 170
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 200
Sold Price: $ : 375
Go to Live
Lot 473 image   Lot 474 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 473. EGYPT, Alexandria. Lucius Verus. AD 161-169. BI Tetradrachm (22.5mm, 13.59 g, 11h). Dated RY 4 (AD 163/4). VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 474. EGYPT, Alexandria. Valerian I. AD 253-260. Potin Tetradrachm (21mm, 9.29 g, 12h). Dated RY 4 (AD 256/7). VF.

Roman Provincial, Billon
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 80
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Roman Provincial, Potin
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 100
Go to Live
Lot 475 image   Lot 476 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 475. EGYPT, Alexandria. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Potin Tetradrachm (22mm, 12.62 g, 12h). Dated RY 1 (AD 253/4). Good VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 476. EGYPT, Alexandria. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Potin Tetradrachm (23mm, 9.36 g, 12h). Dated RY 1 (AD 252/3). VF.

Roman Provincial, Potin
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 475
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Roman Provincial, Potin
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 60
Go to Live
Lot 477 image   Lot 478 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 477. EGYPT, Alexandria. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Potin Tetradrachm (24mm, 10.08 g, 12h). Dated RY 2 (AD 254/5). Good VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 478. EGYPT, Alexandria. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Potin Tetradrachm (22mm, 10.75 g, 10h). Dated RY 4 (AD 256/7). Good VF.

Roman Provincial, Potin
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 300
Go to Live  
Roman Provincial, Potin
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 180
Go to Live
Lot 479 image   Lot 480 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 479. EGYPT, Alexandria. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Potin Tetradrachm (25mm, 12.72 g, 10h). Dated RY 6 (AD 258/9). VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 480. EGYPT, Alexandria. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Potin Tetradrachm (20mm, 12.27 g, 12h). Dated RY 8 (AD 260/1). VF.

Roman Provincial, Potin
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 120
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Roman Provincial, Potin
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 550
Go to Live
Lot 481 image   Lot 482 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 481. EGYPT, Alexandria. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Potin Tetradrachm (23mm, 11.02 g, 1h). Dated RY 10 (AD 262/3). Good VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 482. EGYPT, Alexandria. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Potin Tetradrachm (22mm, 11.69 g, 12h). Dated RY 10 (AD 262/3). VF.

Roman Provincial, Potin
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 950
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Roman Provincial, Potin
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 110
Go to Live
Lot 483 image   Lot 484 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 483. EGYPT, Alexandria. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Potin Tetradrachm (23mm, 9.64 g, 11h). Dated RY 11 (AD 263/4). Good VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 484. EGYPT, Alexandria. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Æ Drachm (29mm, 11.28 g, 11h). Dated RY 12 (AD 264/5). Good Fine.

Roman Provincial, Potin
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 375
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 110
Go to Live
Lot 485 image   Lot 486 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 485. EGYPT, Alexandria. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Æ Drachm (30mm, 14.20 g, 11h). Dated RY 12 (AD 264/5). Near VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 486. EGYPT, Alexandria. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Potin Tetradrachm (22mm, 9.90 g, 12h). Dated RY 15 (AD 267/8). VF.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 80
Go to Live  
Roman Provincial, Potin
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ : 110
Go to Live
Lot 487 image   Lot 488 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 487. EGYPT, Alexandria. Salonina. Augusta, AD 254-268. Potin Tetradrachm (24mm, 11.79 g, 12h). Dated RY 7 of Valerian and Gallienus (AD 259/6). Near EF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 488. EGYPT, Alexandria. Salonina. Augusta, AD 254-268. Potin Tetradrachm (23mm, 11.56 g, 12h). Dated RY 7 of Valerian and Gallienus (AD 259/6). VF.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 60
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 180
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Roman Republican (12 of 53)
Lot 489 image   Lot 490 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 489. Uncertain. 211-208 BC. AR Victoriatus (16mm, 2.91 g, 6h). C/M series. Uncertain mint in Sicily. VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 490. Anonymous. 179-170 BC. AR Denarius (19.5mm, 3.87 g, 12h). Prawn series. Rome mint. Near VF.

Roman Republican, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 250
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Roman Republican, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 150
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Lot 491 image   Lot 492 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 491. L. Julius. 101 BC. AR Denarius (19.5mm, 3.79 g, 12h). Rome mint. VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 492. L. Antestius Gragulus. 136 BC. AR Denarius (18.5mm, 3.86 g, 6h). Rome mint. Good VF.

Roman Republican, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 150
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Roman Republican, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 150
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Lot 493 image   Lot 494 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 493. M. Furius L.f. Philus. 120 BC. AR Denarius (19mm, 3.79 g, 7h). Rome mint. Near VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 494. M. Tullius. 119 BC. AR Denarius (20.5mm, 3.91 g, 10h). Rome mint. Near VF.

Roman Republican, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 120
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Roman Republican, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 130
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Lot 495 image   Lot 496 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 495. L. Pomponius Cn.f. 118 BC. AR Serrate Denarius (20mm, 3.80 g, 6h). Narbo mint. VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 496. M. Cipius M.f. 115-114 BC. AR Denarius (16mm, 3.73 g, 9h). Rome mint. Near VF.

Roman Republican, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 130
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Roman Republican, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 90
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Lot 497 image   Lot 498 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 497. P. Nerva. 113-112 BC. AR Denarius (16mm, 3.88 g, 8h). Rome mint. Good Fine.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 498. Q. Lutatius Cerco. 109-108 BC. AR Denarius (19mm, 3.89 g, 1h). Rome mint. VF.

Roman Republican, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 225
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Roman Republican, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 550
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Lot 499 image   Lot 500 image

Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 499. C. Sulpicius C.f. Galba. 106 BC. AR Serrate Denarius (18mm, 3.88 g, 11h). Rome mint. VF.


Electronic Auction 566
Lot: 500. L. Thorius Balbus. 105 BC. AR Denarius (18mm, 4.02 g, 6h). Rome mint. Good VF.

Roman Republican, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 200
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Roman Republican, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 200
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