Electronic Auction 573Lot: 1101. MIXED. Roman Imperial - Byzantine. Lot of approximately two-hundred-twenty (220) bronze issues.
Electronic Auction 573Lot: 1102. MIXED. Roman Imperial - Islamic. Lot of forty-nine (49) bronze issues.
Electronic Auction 573Lot: 1103. MIXED. Islamic - World. Lot of twenty-seven (27) silver issues.
Electronic Auction 573Lot: 1104. MIXED. World - British. Lot of eighty-six (86) mostly silver, bronze, and copper issues.
Electronic Auction 573Lot: 1105. Al-qatanani, Younis. Nabataean Coins. (Al-Karak, Jordan, 2020).
Electronic Auction 573Lot: 1106. [ANS] American Numismatic Society. Lot of six (6) ANS Numismatic Notes and Monographs. (New York, 1929-1968).
Electronic Auction 573Lot: 1107. Bloesch, Hansjörg. Griechische Münzen in Winterthur, Band I (in two parts). (Munzkabinett Winterthur, 1987).
Electronic Auction 573Lot: 1108. [BMC] Poole, Reginald Stuart. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in The British Museum. Catalogue of the Greek Coins. Italy. (Bologna, Italy, 1983 Forni reprint of the 1873 original).
Electronic Auction 573Lot: 1109. [BMC] Head, Barclay V. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in The British Museum. Catalogue of the Greek Coins. Sicily. (Bologna, Italy, 1980 Forni reprint of the 1876 original).
Electronic Auction 573Lot: 1110. [BMFA] Brett, Agnes Baldwin. Catalogue of Greek Coins, Boston Museum of Fine Arts. (New York, 1974 Attic Books Ltd. reprint of the 1955 original).
Electronic Auction 573Lot: 1111. [Cahn, Naxos] Cahn, Herbert A. The Coins of the Sicilian City of Naxos. (Chicago, 1978 Obol International reprint of Basel 1944 original).
Electronic Auction 573Lot: 1112. Cahn, Herbert A, Leo Mildenburg, Roberto Russo, and Hans Voegtli. Griechischen Münzen aus Grossgriechenland und Sizilien. Antikenmuseum Basel and Sammlung Ludwig. (Basel, 1988).
Electronic Auction 573Lot: 1113. Lot of three (3) titles on Ancient Greek numismatics.
Electronic Auction 573Lot: 1114. Ciccio, G. de. Gli aurei siracusani di Cimone e di Eveneto. (Rome, 1957 revised and expanded edition of the 1922 Naples original).
Electronic Auction 573Lot: 1115. [CNR] Banti, Alberto and Luigi Simonetti. Corpus Nummorum Romanorum. (Florence, 1978 and 1979).
Electronic Auction 573Lot: 1116. [CNS] Calciati, Romolo. Corpus Nummorum Siculorum: La Monetazione di Bronzo (The Bronze Coinage). (Italy, 1986).
Electronic Auction 573Lot: 1117. Davis, Norman, and Colin M. Kraay. The Hellenistic Kingdoms. Portrait Coins and History. (London, 1980 reprint).
Electronic Auction 573Lot: 1118. [De Luynes] Babelon, Jean. Catalogue de la collection de Luynes. (Undated Forni reprints of 1924-1936 originals).
Electronic Auction 573Lot: 1119. [Desneux] Desneux, J. Les tétradrachmes d’Akanthos in Revue Belge de Numismatique XCV. (Brussels, 1949).
Electronic Auction 573Lot: 1120. [Dewing] Leo Mildenberg and Silvia Hurter. The Arthur S. Dewing Collection of Greek Coins [Ancient Coins in North American Collections No. 6]. (New York, 1985).