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Electronic Auction 506

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Lot 601 image   Lot 602 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 601. BOLIVIA, Colonial (as Alto Perú). Carlos II. King of Spain, 1665-1700. AR Real (21mm, 2.09 g, 6h). Cob issue. Potosí mint. Dated 1698 P F.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 602. BOLIVIA, Colonial (as Alto Perú). Carlos III. King of Spain, 1759-1788. AR 8 Real (21mm, 16.07 g, 10h). Cob issue. Potosí mint. Dated 1764 P VY.

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 60
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 120
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Lot 603 image   Lot 604 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 603. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AV Half Scudo (13mm, 1.39 g, 12h). Potosí mint. Dated 1842 (PTS) LR.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 604. BRAZIL, Colonial. Joao VI. As king of Portugal, 1816-1822. CU 20 Réis (30mm, 4.83 g, 12h). Contemporary counterfeit of the Rio de Janiero mint. Dated 1822 R.

World, Gold
Estimated: $ 300
Sold Price: $ 325
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World, Copper
Estimated: $ 100
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Lot 605 image   Lot 606 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 605. BULGARIA, Second Empire. Ivan Aleksandar. 1331–1371. AR Groš (19mm, 1.53 g, 7h). First silver coinage. Veliko Turnovo mint. Second chronological period, 1347/8-1360.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 606. BULGARIA, Second Empire. Ivan Aleksandar. 1331–1371. AR Groš (19mm, 0.87 g, 7h). Second silver coinage. Veliko Turnovo mint. Second chronological period, 1347/8-1355/6.

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 75
Sold Price: $ 190
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 75
Sold Price: $ : 120
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Lot 607 image   Lot 608 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 607. CANADA. Elizabeth II. 1952-pres. AR Dollar (35mm, 23.34 g, 12h). Ottawa mint. Dated 1955.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 608. CARRIBEAN TERRITORIES, Curaçao. Dutch. temp. Willem I. 1815-1840. AR Stuiver (15mm, 0.61 g, 6h). Utrecht mint. Dated 1822.

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 200
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 100
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Lot 609 image   Lot 610 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 609. CENTRAL AMERICAN REPUBLIC, Federal coinage. 1823-1839. AR 8 Reales (38mm, 26.90 g, 6h). Guatemala mint. Dated 1835 NG M.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 610. CHINA, Qīng dynasty. Dézōng (Guāngxù). AD 1875-1908. CU 10 Cents (27mm, 7.41 g, 12h). Húběi province. Wǔchāng mint. Struck 1902-1905.

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 300
Sold Price: $ 550
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World, Copper
Estimated: $ 75
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Lot 611 image   Lot 612 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 611. CHINA, Soviet Republic of China. Sìchuān–Shǎnxī Soviet. 1931-1937. Restrike CU 200 Cash (28mm, 12h). Dated 1934.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 612. CHINA, People's Republic of China. 1949-pres. AR 5 Yuan (35mm, 12h). Kublai Khan. Dated 1215-1294 and 1989.

World, Copper
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 170
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 75
Sold Price: $ : 60
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Lot 613 image   Lot 614 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 613. CHINA, People's Republic of China. 1949-pres. AR 5 Yuan (32mm, 12h). Bronze Age – Elephant. Dated 1990.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 614. CHINA, People's Republic of China. 1949-pres. AR 10 Yuan (40mm, 12h). Dated 1997.

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 160
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 90
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Lot 615 image   Lot 616 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 615. CHINA, People's Republic of China. 1949-pres. AR 10 Yuan (35mm, 12h). Year of the Dragon. Dated 2000.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 616. CHINA, People's Republic of China. 1949-pres. AR Mint Medal. Lan Ting – Chinese Garden. Struck 2013.

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 130
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 90
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Lot 617 image   Lot 618 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 617. COLONIAL AFRICA, German. German East Africa. Wilhelm II. 1888-1918. AR Half Rupie (24mm, 5.77 g, 12h). Berlin mint. Dated 1891.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 618. CROATIA, Kingdom of Croatia-Hungary. nomine Stjepan V. 1270-1272. AR Banovac – Banski denar (16mm, 0.81 g, 5h). Zagreb mint.

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 150
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 75
Sold Price: $ : 160
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Lot 619 image   Lot 620 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 619. CUBA, First Republic. 1902-1961. AR 40 Centavos (28mm, 9.98 g, 6h). Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Republic. Philadelphia mint. Dually dated 1902 and 1952.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 620. DENMARK. Svend II Estridsen. 1047-1075. AR Penny (15mm, 0.95 g, 6h). Lund mint.

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 60
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 300
Sold Price: $ : 400
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Lot 621 image   Lot 622 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 621. DENMARK. Christian IV. 1588-1648. AR Mark (31mm, 7.97 g, 9h). Københaven (Copenhagen) mint. Dated 1617.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 622. DENMARK. Frederik V. 1746-1766. AV 12 Marks (20mm, 12h). København (Copenhagen) mint. Datd 1761 K W.

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ 160
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World, Gold
Estimated: $ 400
Sold Price: $ : 400
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Lot 623 image   Lot 624 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 623. FRANCE, Royal. Louis IX (Saint Louis). 1226–1270. AR Gros tournois (24mm, 4.01 g, 10h). Struck 1266-1270.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 624. FRANCE, Royal. Philippe III le Hardi (the Bold). 1270–1285. AR Gros tournois (25mm, 3.92 g, 2h).

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 300
Sold Price: $ 250
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ : 170
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Lot 625 image   Lot 626 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 625. FRANCE, Royal. Jean II le Bon (the Good). 1350-1364. AV Franc à cheval (28mm, 3.60 g, 2h). Authorized 5 January 1360.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 626. FRANCE, Royal. Charles V le Sage (the Wise). 1364-1380. AV Franc à pied (29mm, 3.76 g, 7h). Authorized 20 April 1365.

World, Gold
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ 750
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World, Gold
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ : 700
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Lot 627 image   Lot 628 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 627. FRANCE, Royal. Charles V le Sage (the Wise). 1364-1380. AR Blanc au K (25mm, 2.27 g, 8h). Authorized 20 April 1365.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 628. FRANCE, Royal. Charles VI le Bien-Aimé/le Fol (the Well-Beloved/the Mad). 1380-1422. AR Blanc dit «Guénar» (27mm, 2.83 g, 2h). Tournai mint; mm: pellet under 16th letter. Second emission, authorized 11 September 1389.

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ 160
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 75
Sold Price: $ : 100
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Lot 629 image   Lot 630 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 629. FRANCE, Royal. Louis XI le Prudent (the Prudent). 1461-1483. AR Blanc à la couronne (27mm, 2.93 g, 2h). Saint-Lô mint; mm: pellet under 19th letter. First emission, authorized 31 December 1461.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 630. FRANCE, Royal. François I le Pére et Restaurateur des Lettres (the Father and Restorer of Letters). 1515-1547. AR Teston (28mm, 8.67 g, 10h). First period. Tours mint; mm: tower. Struck before 1540.

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 80
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 110
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Lot 631 image   Lot 632 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 631. FRANCE, Royal. François I le Pére et Restaurateur des Lettres (the Father and Restorer of Letters). 1515-1547. AR Teston (31mm, 9.45 g, 7h). Second period. Lyon mint. Struck 1540-1547.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 632. FRANCE, Royal. Charles IX. 1560-1574. AR Teston (29mm, 9.36 g, 6h). Toulouse mint; mm: M. Authorized 17 August 1561.

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 300
Sold Price: $ 400
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 275
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Lot 633 image   Lot 634 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 633. FRANCE, Royal. Henri III. 1574-1589. AR Teston (29mm, 9.14 g, 12h). Toulouse mint. Dated 1576 M (in Roman numerals).


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 634. FRANCE, Royal. Henri III. 1574-1589. AR Demi-franc (26mm, 6.71 g, 11h). Limoges mint. Dated 1584 I.

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 75
Sold Price: $ 160
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 75
Sold Price: $ : 70
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Lot 635 image   Lot 636 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 635. FRANCE, Royal. Henri IV le Grand (the Great). 1589–1610. AR Quart d’écu (30mm, 9.66 g, 1h). Bayonne mint; mm: anchor. Dated 1595 L.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 636. FRANCE, Royal. Louis XV le Bien-Aimé (the Well-Beloved). 1715–1774. AR Écu dit «vertugadin» (42mm, 30.48 g, 6h). Aix mint; différent: heart. DAted 1716 &.

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 170
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 300
Sold Price: $ : 400
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Lot 637 image   Lot 638 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 637. FRANCE, First Empire. Napoléon I. 1804-1814. CU 5 Centime (29mm, 6.68 g, 12h). Strasbourg mint; différents: wheat and signature. Dated 1808 BB.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 638. FRANCE, Provincial. Besançon (Imperial city). Charles V. Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558. AR Carolus (18mm, 1.38 g, 10h). Dated 1549.

World, Copper
Estimated: $ 75
Sold Price: $ 160
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 140
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Lot 639 image   Lot 640 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 639. FRANCE, Provincial. Besançon (Imperial city). nomine Charles V. Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558. AR Carolus (19mm, 1.36 g, 12h). Dated 1619.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 640. FRANCE, Provincial. Bretagne (duchy). Jean V. 1399-1442. AR Blanc à la targe (26mm, 2.59 g, 4h). Second period. Nantes mint. Struck 1436-1442.

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 75
Sold Price: $ 45
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 70
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Lot 641 image   Lot 642 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 641. FRANCE, Provincial. Bretagne (duchy). François II. 1458-1488. AR Gros à l’écu (29mm, 3.70 g, 1h). Rennes mint. Struck 1486-1488.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 642. FRANCE, Provincial. Clermont (Bishophric). Anonymous. 13th century. BI Denier (18mm, 0.76 g, 7h).

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ 110
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World, Billon
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 70
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Lot 643 image   Lot 644 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 643. FRANCE, Provincial. Clermont (Bishophric). Anonymous. 13th century. BI Denier (19mm, 0.75 g, 2h).


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 644. FRANCE, Provincial. Lorraine (duchy). René II. 1473-1508. AR Demi-plaque (22mm, 1.78 g, 2h). Nancy mint. Struck 1496-1508.

World, Billon
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 80
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 60
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Lot 645 image   Lot 646 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 645. FRANCE, Provincial. Lorraine (duchy). Charles III le Grand (the Great). 1545-1608. AR Teston (29mm, 5h). Nancy mint.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 646. FRANCE, Provincial. Maine (County). Hugues II. Circa 939/955-991. AR Denier (21mm, 1.21 g, 3h). Immobilized type of Charles le Simple (the Simple), as Charles IV, King of West Francia, 898-922. Cinomans (Le Mans) mint.

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 200
Sold Price: $ 225
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 80
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Lot 647 image   Lot 648 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 647. FRANCE, Provincial. Maine (County). 12th century. BI Denier (18mm, 1.18 g, 10h). Immobilized issue of Herbert I Éveille-Chien. 1014/5-1032/5. Cineomans (Le Mans) mint.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 648. FRANCE, Provincial. Maine (County). 12th century. BI Denier (20mm, 1.18 g, 6h). Immobilized issue of Herbert I Éveille-Chien. 1014/5-1032/5. Cineomans (Le Mans).

World, Billon
Estimated: $ 75
Sold Price: $ 70
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World, Billon
Estimated: $ 100
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Lot 649 image   Lot 650 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 649. FRANCE, Provincial. Melgueil. Uncertain Count or Bishop. 12th-13th centuries. BI Denier (18mm, 1.12 g). Maguelonne mint.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 650. FRANCE, Provincial. Metz (Bishophric). Conrad de Scharfeneck. 1212-1224. AR Denier (14mm, 0.79 g, 3h).

World, Billon
Estimated: $ 75
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 120
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Lot 651 image   Lot 652 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 651. FRANCE, Provincial. Metz (Bishophric). Anonymous. 14th-16th centuries. AR Gros (26mm, 2.76 g, 9h).


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 652. FRANCE, Provincial. Normandie (Duchy). Richard I. 943-996. AR Denier. Rotomagus (Rouen) mint. Struck circa 980-985.

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 70
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ : 110
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Lot 653 image   Lot 654 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 653. FRANCE, Provincial. Orange (Principality). Frédéric-Henri d’Orange-Nassau. 1625-1647. AR Testoon (29mm, 8.62 g, 3h).


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 654. FRANCE, Provincial. Provence (Marquisate). Raymond VI-VII. 1194-1249. AR Denier (17mm, 0.75 g, 3h).

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ 225
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 75
Sold Price: $ : 60
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Lot 655 image   Lot 656 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 655. FRANCE, Provincial. Saint-Marie-Aux-Mines. Brasserie Alsacienne. CU Token (22mm, 3.74 g, 12h). Dated 1857.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 656. FRANCE, Provincial. Souvigny (priory). Anonymous. Late 11th-early 12th century. AR Denier (20mm, 1.10 g, 11h).

World, Copper
Estimated: $ 75
Sold Price: $ 50
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 70
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Lot 657 image   Lot 658 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 657. FRANCE, Provincial. Toulouse (County). Raymond V-VII. 1148–1249. AR Denier (18mm, 1.19 g, 3h).


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 658. FRANCE, Provincial. Toulouse (County). Raymond V-VII. 1148–1249. AR Obole (15mm, 0.54 g, 3h).

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 75
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
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Lot 659 image   Lot 660 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 659. FRANCE, Provincial. Valence (Bishophric). Anonymous. 12th-13th centuries AD. AR Denier (17mm, 1.13 g, 7h).


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 660. FRANCE, Provincial. Vienne (archbishophric). Anonymous. Circa 1150-1200. AR Denier (17mm, 0.92 g, 8h).

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 75
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 150
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Lot 661 image   Lot 662 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 661. GERMANY, Brandenburg (Margravate & Electorate). Friedrich III (Friedrich I of Prussia). 1688-1713. AR Gulden – 2/3 Taler (37mm, 12h). Berlin mint. Dated 1689 LC S.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 662. GERMANY, Brandenburg-Franken (Margravate). Albrecht III Achilles. 1464-1486. AV Goldgulden (22mm, 3.21 g, 4h). Schwabach mint.

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ 200
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World, Gold
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ : 550
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Lot 663 image   Lot 664 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 663. GERMANY, Brandenburg-Franken (Margravate). Georg von Ansbach (der Fromme [the Pious]), with Albrecht II Alcibiades von Beyreuth. Regent, 1527-1541. AR Taler (40mm, 28.52 g, 5h). Schwabach mint. Dated 1541.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 664. GERMANY, Braunschweig-Lüneburg (Principality & Electorate). Ernst August. 1692-1698. AR 1/3 Taler (31mm, 6.47 g, 12h). Clausthal mint. Dated 1697 HB.

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ 190
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 60
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Lot 665 image   Lot 666 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 665. GERMANY, Braunschweig-Lüneburg (Principality & Electorate). Georg III. King of Great Britain, 1760-1820. AR 1/3 Taler (28mm, 6.36 g, 1h). Zellerfeld mint. Dated 1780 CES.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 666. GERMANY, Braunschweig-Lüneburg (Principality & Electorate). Georg III. King of Great Britain, 1760-1820. AR 1/3 Taler (28mm, 6.56 g, 5h). Clausthal mint. Dated 1797 PLM.

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 80
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 80
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Lot 667 image   Lot 668 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 667. GERMANY, Braunschweig-Lüneburg (Duchy). Johann Friedrich. 1665-1679. AR 12 Mariengroschen (32mm, 7.28 g, 6h). Zellerfeld mint. Dated 1673.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 668. GERMANY, Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel. Anton Ulrich. 1685-1714. AR Taler (46mm, 26.71 g, 10h). Zellerfeld mint. Dated 1711 RB.

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 110
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 300
Sold Price: $ : 500
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Lot 669 image   Lot 670 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 669. GERMANY, Frankfurt (city). CU Heller (20mm, 12h). Dated 1773 PFB.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 670. GERMANY, Frankfurt (city). AR 3 Kreuzer (17mm, 12h). Dated 1853.

World, Copper
Estimated: $ 75
Sold Price: $ 60
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 75
Sold Price: $ : 80
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Lot 671 image   Lot 672 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 671. GERMANY, Frankfurt (city). AR Taler (32mm, 12h). Freidrich Schiller Centennial. Dated 10 November 1859.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 672. GERMANY, Frankfurt (city). AR Gulden (30mm, 12h). Dated 1863.

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ 275
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 200
Sold Price: $ : 350
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Lot 673 image   Lot 674 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 673. GERMANY, Isny (Free Imperial city). nomine Karl V. 1519-1556. AR Batzen (27mm, 3.34 g, 7h). Dated 1530.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 674. GERMANY, Köln (archbishophric). Philipp von Heinsberg. 1167-1191. AR Pfennig (17mm, 1.29 g, 10h).

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 60
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 75
Sold Price: $ : 120
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Lot 675 image   Lot 676 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 675. GERMANY, Köln (Archbishophric). Friedrich III von Saarwerden. 1378-1414. AR Goschen – Weißpfennig (25.5mm, 2.48 g, 12h). Riel mint. Struck 1376.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 676. GERMANY, Köln (Archbishophric). Dietrich II von Mors. 1414-1463. AR Groschen – Weißpfennig (24mm, 1.97 g, 5h). Riehl mint. Dated 1449 (in Roman numerals).

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 200
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 300
Sold Price: $ : 325
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Lot 677 image   Lot 678 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 677. GERMANY, Lübeck (Free Hanseatic city). AR Doppelschilling (30mm, 3.91 g, 6h). Struck circa 1468-1492.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 678. GERMANY, Meißen (Margravate). Heinrich der Erlauchate. 1221-1228. AR Bracteate (44mm, 0.98 g).

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 80
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ : 130
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Lot 679 image   Lot 680 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 679. GERMANY, Meißen (Margravate). Friedrich V der Friedfertig (the Peaceful). 1406-1440. AR Groschen (28mm, 2.41 g, 6h).


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 680. GERMANY, Nördlingen (Imperial mint city). Karl V. Holy Roman Emperor, 1519-1556. AR Halbbatzen (23mm, 1.67 g, 7h). Dated 1527.

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 75
Sold Price: $ 50
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 75
Sold Price: $ : 150
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Lot 681 image   Lot 682 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 681. GERMANY, Nürnberg (city). AR Quarter Taler Klippe (32mm, 7.79 g, 12h). Commemorating the Peace of Westphalia. Dated 16 June 1650.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 682. GERMANY, Sachsen-Albertine line (Electorate and Duchy). Johann Georg I. 1611-1656. AV Dukat (26mm, 3.43 g, 5h). Commemorating the Centennial of the Reformation. Dresden mint. Dated 1617.

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 200
Sold Price: $ 450
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World, Gold
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ : 700
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Lot 683 image   Lot 684 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 683. GERMANY, Ulm (city). AR Gulden Klippe (27mm, 14.34 g, 12h). Siege of Ulm. War of the Spanish Succession issue. Dated 1704.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 684. GERMANY, German Empire. temp. Wilhelm II. 1888-1918. AR Mark (23mm, 12h). Karlsruhe mint. Dated 1914 G.

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 200
Sold Price: $ 190
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 60
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Lot 685 image   Lot 686 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 685. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 4 Reales (30mm, 12.21 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1865 R.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 686. INDIA, Islamic Sultanates. Jaunpur. Shams al-Din Ibrahim Shah. AH 804-844 / AD 1402-1440. BI Tanka of 80 rati (19mm, 9.59 g, 7h). Dated AH 825 (AD 1421/2).

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 200
Sold Price: $ 170
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 75
Sold Price: $ : 60
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Lot 687 image   Lot 688 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 687. INDIA, Islamic Sultanates. Jaunpur. Shams al-Din Ibrahim Shah. AH 804-844 / AD 1402-1440. BI Tanka of 80 rati (19mm, 9.41 g, 1h). Dated AH 839 (AD 1435/6).


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 688. INDIA, Islamic Sultanates. Malwa. 'Ala' al-Din Mahmud Shah I. AH 839-873 / AD 1436-1469. AR Square Tanka (18x19mm, 10.90 g, 1h). Hadrat Shadiabad mint. Dated AH 86[2or 3] (Struck AD 1456-1458).

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 75
Sold Price: $ 60
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 130
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Lot 689 image   Lot 690 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 689. INDIA, Islamic Sultanates. Malwa. Mahmud Shah II. AH 916-937 / AD 1510-1531. AR Square Tanka (20x20mm, 10.88 g, 9h). Dated AH 924 (AD 1517/8).


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 690. INDIA, Mughal Empire. Muhammad Shah. AH 1131-1161 / AD 1719-1748. AR Rupee (22mm, 11.39 g, 7h). Akbarabad mint. Dually dated AH 115[1 or 2] and RY 21 (AD 1740).

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 150
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 80
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Lot 691 image   Lot 692 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 691. INDIA, Independent States. Mysore. Tipu Sultan. AH 1197-1202 / AD 1787-1799. Æ Paisa (23mm, 11.22 g, 12h). Nagar mint. Dated AM 1220 (AD 1791/2).


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 692. INDIA, Princely States. Cochin. British Protectorate, 1792-1858. Pale AV Fanam (8mm, 0.37 g, 1h). Vira raya type. Undated, but struck 1795-1850.

World, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 150
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World, Gold
Estimated: $ 75
Sold Price: $ : 50
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Lot 693 image   Lot 694 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 693. INDIA, Princely States. Indore. Shivaji Rao. VS 1943-1960 / AD 1886-1903. AR Rupee (22mm, 11.19 g, 12h). Dated VS 1948 (AD 1891).


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 694. INDIA, Princely States. Jaipur. Man Singh II. 1922-1949. AR Nazarana Rupee (38mm, 12h). In the name of King George VI. Sawai Jaipur mint. Dated year 18 and 1939.

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 75
Sold Price: $ 100
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ : 170
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Lot 695 image   Lot 696 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 695. INDIA, Princely States. Kutch. Desalji I. AH 1132-1166 / AD 1719-1752. AR Kori (15mm, 4.58 g, 9h). Immobilized type in the name of Shams al-Din Muzaffar III, Sultan of Gujarat.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 696. INDIA, Princely States. Mysore. Krishna Raja Wodeyar. AH 1225-1285 / AD 1810-1868. AV Fanam (6mm, 0.37 g, 6h). Kanthirava type.

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 60
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World, Gold
Estimated: $ 75
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Lot 697 image   Lot 698 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 697. INDIA, Princely States. Mysore. Krishna Raja Wodeyar. AH 1225-1285 / AD 1810-1868. AR Rupee (24mm, 11.36 g, 11h). In the name of Shah Alam II. Mysore mint. Dually dated AH 1227 and RY 37 of Shah Alam II (AD 1811/2).


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 698. INDIA, Princely States. Mysore. Krishna Raja Wodeyar. AH 1225-1285 / AD 1810-1868. AR Rupee (23mm, 11.40 g, 12h). In the name of Shah Alam II. Mysore mint. Dually dated AH [124]7 and RY 47 of Shah Alam II (AD 1833/4).

World, Silver
Estimated: $ 75
Sold Price: $ 50
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 75
Sold Price: $ : 45
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Lot 699 image   Lot 700 image

Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 699. INDIA, Colonial. British India. Victoria. Queen of the United Kingdom, 1837-1901; Empress of India, 1876-1901. CU Quarter Anna (25mm, 12h). Calcutta mint. Dated 1889.


Electronic Auction 506
Lot: 700. INDIA, Colonial. British India. George V. King of the United Kingdom and Emperor of India, 1910-1936. AR 2 Annas. Calcutta mint. Dated 1916.

World, Copper
Estimated: $ 75
Sold Price: $ 50
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World, Silver
Estimated: $ 75
Sold Price: $ : 200
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