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Electronic Auction 524

Search Results (1091)

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Lot 321 image   Lot 322 image

Electronic Auction 524
Lot: 321. PONTUS, Neocaesarea. Geta. As Caesar, AD 198-209. Æ (30mm, 16.10 g, 1h). Dated CY 142 (AD 205/6). Near VF.


Electronic Auction 524
Lot: 322. KINGS of PONTUS. Polemo II, with Nero. AD 38-64. AR Drachm (18mm, 3.26 g, 7h). Dated RY 18 of Polemo II (AD 55/6). VF.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 150
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Roman Provincial, Silver
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ : 225
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Lot 323 image   Lot 324 image

Electronic Auction 524
Lot: 323. MYSIA, Miletopolis. Hadrian. AD 117-138. Æ (22.5mm, 6.98 g, 6h). VF.


Electronic Auction 524
Lot: 324. MYSIA, Pergamum. Severus Alexander. AD 222-235. Æ 32mm (33mm, 22.57 g, 6h). C. Tertullus,strategos. Good Fine.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 450
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ : 90
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Lot 325 image   Lot 326 image

Electronic Auction 524
Lot: 325. TROAS, Alexandria Troas. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Æ (21mm, 5.52 g, 12h). Good VF.


Electronic Auction 524
Lot: 326. AEOLIS, Aegae. Messalina. Augusta, AD 41-48. Æ (17mm, 2.92 g, 11h). Struck under Claudius, circa AD 43-48. VF.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 190
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ : 950
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Lot 327 image   Lot 328 image

Electronic Auction 524
Lot: 327. IONIA, Ephesus. Second Triumvirate. 43-33 BC. Æ (16mm, 2.98 g, 12h). Glaukon, archiereus grammateus, with Euthykrates, magistrate. Struck 40-39 BC. Good Fine.


Electronic Auction 524
Lot: 328. IONIA, Ephesus. Mark Antony and Octavia. Summer-autumn 39 BC. AR Cistophorus (28mm, 11.39 g, 1h). Fine.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 200
Sold Price: $ 325
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Roman Provincial, Silver
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ : 190
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Lot 329 image   Lot 330 image

Electronic Auction 524
Lot: 329. IONIA, Ephesus. Claudius, with Agrippina Junior. AD 41-54. AR Cistophorus (26mm, 10.93 g, 7h). Group II, AD 51. Good Fine.


Electronic Auction 524
Lot: 330. ISLANDS off IONIA, Samos. Trajan Decius. AD 249-251. Æ (28mm, 10.00 g, 6h). Near VF.

Roman Provincial, Silver
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ 500
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 160
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Lot 331 image   Lot 332 image

Electronic Auction 524
Lot: 331. CARIA, Stratonicaea. Caracalla, with Plautilla. AD 198-217. Æ (39mm, 21.06 g, 11h). Struck circa AD 202-203. Near VF.


Electronic Auction 524
Lot: 332. PHRYGIA, Acmoneia. Trebonianus Gallus. AD 251-253. Æ (31mm, 16.47 g, 6h). Near VF.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ 150
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 190
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Lot 333 image   Lot 334 image

Electronic Auction 524
Lot: 333. PHRYGIA, Dorylaeum. Gordian III. AD 238-244. Æ (40mm, 32.14 g, 1h). Attikos, archon for the second time. VF.


Electronic Auction 524
Lot: 334. PAMPHYLIA, Perge. Gallienus. AD 253-268. Æ Dekassarion (31.5mm, 14.32 g, 7h). VF.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 300
Sold Price: $ 325
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 140
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Lot 335 image   Lot 336 image

Electronic Auction 524
Lot: 335. PISIDIA, Antiochia. Aemilian. AD 253. Æ (23mm, 6.24 g, 7h). Good VF.


Electronic Auction 524
Lot: 336. PISIDIA, Sagalassus. Philip II. AD 247-249. Æ Pentassarion (27mm, 13.59 g, 12h). Near VF.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ 300
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 200
Sold Price: $ : 225
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Lot 337 image   Lot 338 image

Electronic Auction 524
Lot: 337. CILICIA, Anazarbus. Julia Mamaea. Augusta, AD 222-235. Æ Tetrassarion (25mm, 9.21 g, 11h). Dated CY 249 (AD 230/1). Near VF.


Electronic Auction 524
Lot: 338. CILICIA, Diocaesarea. Caracalla. AD 198-217. Æ (28mm, 15.00 g, 1h). Near VF.

Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ 170
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 100
Sold Price: $ : 225
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Lot 339 image   Lot 340 image

Electronic Auction 524
Lot: 339. CILICIA, Tarsus. Trajan. AD 98-117. AR Tetradrachm (27mm, 11.95 g, 12h). Struck AD 103-111. Host coin Good Fine, c/m Near VF.


Electronic Auction 524
Lot: 340. CILICIA, Tarsus. Commodus and Annius Verus. Caesars, AD 166-169/70 and AD 166-177. Æ (17mm, 2.78 g, 1h). Struck AD 175-177. VF.

Roman Provincial, Silver
Estimated: $ 150
Sold Price: $ 300
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Roman Provincial, Bronze
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ : 325
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Search Results (1091)