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5663865. CYPRUS, Kition. Pumiathon. Circa 362/1-312 BC. AR Tetradrachm (23.5mm, 17.13 g, 1h). In the name and types of Alexander III. Struck circa 325-320 BC. Near EF.
CYPRUS, Kition. Pumiathon. Circa 362/1-312 BC. AR Tetradrachm (23.5mm, 17.13 g, 1h). In the name and types of Alexander III. Struck circa 325-320 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; monogram in left field. Zapiti & Michaelidou 19 var. (orientation of legend); Price 3108; Newell, Some 8 and 10. Lightly toned, slight die shift on reverse. Near EF.
5666538. PTOLEMAIC KINGS of EGYPT. Berenike II, wife of Ptolemy III. Circa 244/3-221 BC. AR Pentakaidekadrachm (41.5mm, 51.81 g, 12h). Alexandreia mint(?). Struck under Ptolemy III, 245 BC. Good VF.
PTOLEMAIC KINGS of EGYPT. Berenike II, wife of Ptolemy III. Circa 244/3-221 BC. AR Pentakaidekadrachm (41.5mm, 51.81 g, 12h). Alexandreia mint(?). Struck under Ptolemy III, 245 BC. Veiled and draped bust right / BAΣIΛIΣΣHΣ BEPENIKHΣ, cornucopia, bound with fillet, between two laureate pileoi. CPE 734; Svoronos 988; D. Vagi, “The Ptolemaic Pentakaidekadrachm” in SAN XX.1 (1997), pp. 5-10; H.A. Hazard, Ptolemaic Coins (Toronto, 1995), c1052 (dodecadrachm); SNG Copenhagen –; BMC –. Toned, traces of find patina, typical slight roughness, minor delamination at edge on obverse, minor flan crack. Good VF.
5677350. PTOLEMAIC KINGS of EGYPT. Ptolemy III Euergetes. 246-222 BC. AV Mnaïeion – “Oktadrachm” (28mm, 27.75 g, 12h). Posthumous issue under Ptolemy IV. Alexandreia mint. Struck circa 219-217 BC. VF.
PTOLEMAIC KINGS of EGYPT. Ptolemy III Euergetes. 246-222 BC. AV Mnaïeion – “Oktadrachm” (28mm, 27.75 g, 12h). Posthumous issue under Ptolemy IV. Alexandreia mint. Struck circa 219-217 BC. Bust of the deified Ptolemy III right, wearing radiate diadem and aegis; trident over left shoulder, middle prong ends in a lotus finial / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΠTOΛEMAIOY, radiate and filleted cornucopia; ΔI below. CPE 888; Svoronos 1117; Olivier & Lorber 212 (dies 4/20 – this coin); SNG Copenhagen 196. A little die rust on obverse. VF.
5683517. KINGS of PERSIS. Vādfradād (Autophradates) II. 2nd century BC. AR Drachm (15mm, 4.03 g, 9h). Istakhr (Persepolis) mint. EF.
KINGS of PERSIS. Vādfradād (Autophradates) II. 2nd century BC. AR Drachm (15mm, 4.03 g, 9h). Istakhr (Persepolis) mint. Head right with very short beard, wearing diadem and kyrbasia surmounted by eagle / Fire temple, Ahura-Mazda above; to left, king standing right; to right, standard surmounted by eagle. van’t Haaff Type 547j; K&M 3/2; Alram 547; Sunrise 576. Traces of deposits, lustrous. EF.
Amount Subtotal:  $67920

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