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5677375. Titus. As Caesar, AD 69-79. AV Aureus (19.5mm, 7.38 g, 6h). Rome mint. Struck under Vespasian, AD 77-78. Near EF.
Titus. As Caesar, AD 69-79. AV Aureus (19.5mm, 7.38 g, 6h). Rome mint. Struck under Vespasian, AD 77-78. T CAESAR VESPASIANVS, laureate head right / ANNONA AVG, Annona seated left, holding open on her lap a bag of grain ears, the ends held in her hands. RIC II.1 971 (Vespasian); Calicó 726; BMCRE 316-8 (Vespasian); BN 278-9 (Vespasian); Biaggi 360. Toned, hairlines. Near EF.
5677385. Diocletian. AD 284-305. AV Aureus (18.5mm, 5.30 g, 6h). Consular issue. Antioch mint. Struck circa AD 296-circa 299/302. Near EF.
Diocletian. AD 284-305. AV Aureus (18.5mm, 5.30 g, 6h). Consular issue. Antioch mint. Struck circa AD 296-circa 299/302. DIOCLETIA NVS AVGVSTVS, laureate head right / CONSVL VI P P PROCONS *, Diocletian standing left, laureate and togate, holding globe in outstretched right hand and short scepter in left; *|–//SMA(Σ retrograde). Cf. RIC VI 13 and 22 (for similar issues of COS VI and COS VII respectively); cf. Depeyrot 12/1 and 16/1 (same); cf. Calicó 4440 and 4441 (same); cf. Biaggi 1699 and 1700 (same). Some luster. Near EF. Extremely rare and unpublished variety.
5677504. Divus Nigrinian. Died circa AD 284. Antoninianus (22.5mm, 4.28 g, 12h). Rome mint. 5th emission of Carinus, mid November AD 284. Near EF.
Divus Nigrinian. Died circa AD 284. Antoninianus (22.5mm, 4.28 g, 12h). Rome mint. 5th emission of Carinus, mid November AD 284. DIVO NIGRINANO, radiate head right / CONSECRATIO, eagle standing facing, head left, wings spread; KAA. RIC V 472; Pink VI/2, p. 38. Dark olive-brown patina with some verdigris. Near EF. A very attractive example in hand.
5685585. Valentinian III. AD 425-455. AV Solidus (22mm, 4.35 g, 6h). Consular issue. Ravenna mint. Struck AD 435. Near EF.
Valentinian III. AD 425-455. AV Solidus (22mm, 4.35 g, 6h). Consular issue. Ravenna mint. Struck AD 435. D N PLA VALENTI NIANVS P F AVG, rosette-diademed bust left, wearing consular robes, holding mappa in right hand and cruciform scepter in left / VOT X MVLT XX, Valentinian enthroned facing, wearing consular robes, holding mappa in right hand and cruciform scepter in left; R|V//COMOB. RIC X 2036; Ranieri 99-100; Depeyrot 14/1; Biaggi –. Lightly toned with some underlying luster, doubling, tiny die breaks. Near EF. Very rare.
Amount Subtotal:  $47375

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