
CNG Bidding Platform


Products and Services

Fields in bold font are required

Shipping information. Please provide specific shipping information for items that may be purchased. An additional fee for postage, handling and insurance will be added to all invoices. We customarily send coins by U.S. Insured or Registered mail. If you wish to receive your order as quickly as possible, we will ship by Federal Express if requested, and the additional shipping amount charged will be based on our costs of shipping, insurance, and handling. Any special shipping requests may be placed in the "Comments" field.

Please note that all registrations are subject to review and approval by CNG staff. Your handle and password will not enable you to bid in our electronic and feature auctions until this approval process is complete and you have received an email, which confirms your registration approval.

Registration approvals are only processed during the U.S. office business hours, which are 9AM to 5 PM Eastern, Monday through Friday. If you have submitted your registration during non-business hours, it will not be processed until the U.S. office is open. Your registration will be approved quickly if you have purchased previously from CNG. If you have not purchased previously, please assist us with the approval process by providing numismatic references in the Numismatic References field.

Classical Numismatic Group, LLC


U.S. Office: P.O. Box 479, Lancaster PA 17608
fax: 717-390-9978

U.K. Office: 20 Bloomsbury St. London WC1B 3QA
+44 (20) 7495-1888
fax: +44 (20) 7499-5916


Please note, your login for Coin Shop Services is not the same login you use for our Bidding Portal.

Please note that this handle may be seen by other clients during the bidding process. If you want to maintain anonymity, do not choose a handle that will suggest your identity in any way.
Your password must be five to twelve characters long. It may be letters, numbers or a combination of the two. It will not be case sensitive.
Your password must be five to twelve characters long. It may be letters, numbers or a combination of the two. It will not be case sensitive.
~ ~
(required for U.S.)
(required for U.S., Canada, U.K. and Germany)
Please check your information carefully before submitting.