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Feature Auction
CNG Feature Auction 121

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Celtic (8)
Lot 1 image   Lot 2 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 1. EASTERN EUROPE, Imitations of Philip II of Macedon. 3rd century BC. AR Tetradrachm (25.5mm, 10.93 g, 5h). Dachreiter type. Uncertain mint in the Pannonian region. Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 2. EASTERN EUROPE, Imitations of Philip II of Macedon. 2nd-1st centuries BC. AR Tetradrachm (27mm, 13.00 g, 5h). Zweigreiter type. Mint in the Banat region. Good VF.

Celtic, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 2 000
Sold Price: $ 1 400
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Celtic, Silver
Estimated: $ 4 000
Sold Price: $ : 2 500
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Lot 3 image   Lot 4 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 3. EASTERN EUROPE, Imitations of Alexander III of Macedon. Late 2nd-1st centuries BC. AR Tetradrachm (27mm, 16.68 g, 6h). Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 4. EASTERN EUROPE, Imitations of Audoleon of Paeonia. AR Tetradrachm (25mm, 13.34 g, 7h). Uncertain mint in the lower Danube region. Good VF.

Celtic, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ 1 500
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Celtic, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 500
Sold Price: $ : 950
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Lot 5 image   Lot 6 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 5. CENTRAL EUROPE, Helvetii(?). Early-mid 3rd century BC. AV Stater (19.5mm, 8.58 g, 12h). Imitating Philip II of Macedon. Gamshurst type. Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 6. GAUL, Northwest. Aulerci Eburovices. Late 3rd-early 2nd century BC. AV Hemistater (19mm, 2.90 g, 1h). VF.

Celtic, Coin-in-Hand Video, Gold
Estimated: $ 5 000
Sold Price: $ 3 750
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Celtic, Gold
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ : 600
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Lot 7 image   Lot 8 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 7. GAUL, Northeast. Treviri. Circa 100-50 BC. AV Stater (19mm, 6.19 g, 3h). VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 8. GAUL, Northeast. Veliocassi. Circa 100-50 BC. AV Stater (18mm, 5.90 g, 5h). Good VF.

Celtic, Gold
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ 475
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Celtic, Gold
Estimated: $ 1 500
Sold Price: $ : 1 700
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Greek (192 of 624)
Lot 9 image   Lot 10 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 9. ISLANDS off IBERIA, Ebusus. 2nd century BC. Æ Quarter Unit (16.5mm, 3.44 g, 11h). Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 10. GAUL, Massalia. Circa 150-125 BC. AR Drachm (18mm, 2.69 g, 6h). Light standard. Good VF.

Greek, Bronze
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ 750
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 300
Sold Price: $ : 800
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Lot 11 image   Lot 12 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 11. GAUL, Massalia. Circa 125-90 BC. AR Drachm (15.5mm, 2.64 g, 7h). Light standard. EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 12. GAUL, Massalia. Circa 125-90 BC. AR Drachm (16mm, 2.73 g, 6h). Light standard. EF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 300
Sold Price: $ 180
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ : 1 400
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Lot 13 image   Lot 14 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 13. GAUL, Massalia. Circa 125-90 BC. AR Drachm (16.5mm, 2.66 g, 5h). EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 14. GAUL, Massalia. Circa 125-90 BC. AR Drachm (16mm, 2.81 g, 3h). Light standard. EF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ 1 600
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ : 400
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Lot 15 image   Lot 16 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 15. GAUL, Massalia. Circa 125-90 BC. AR Drachm (17mm, 2.82 g, 6h). Light standard. Near EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 16. GAUL, Massalia. Circa 90-50 BC. AR Drachm (17mm, 2.74 g, 6h). Light standard. EF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 300
Sold Price: $ 600
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ : 550
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Lot 17 image   Lot 18 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 17. CAMPANIA, Neapolis. Circa 300-275 BC. AR Nomos (22mm, 7.40 g, 8h). Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 18. CAMPANIA, Neapolis. Circa 275-250 BC. Æ (18mm, 4.36 g, 12h). Good VF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 2 000
Sold Price: $ 2 750
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Greek, 12h, Bronze
Estimated: $ 300
Sold Price: $ : 325
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Lot 19 image   Lot 20 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 19. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 450-440 BC. AR Nomos (26mm, 7.85 g, 3h). VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 20. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 380-375/0 BC. AR Nomos (21.5mm, 7.89 g, 5h). Good VF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ 550
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 500
Sold Price: $ : 3 500
Go to Live
Lot 21 image   Lot 22 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 21. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 344-340 BC. AR Nomos (21mm, 7.72 g, 5h). Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 22. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 344-340 BC. AR Nomos (21.5mm, 7.91 g, 2h). Good VF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ 1 400
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Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ : 1 300
Go to Live
Lot 23 image   Lot 24 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 23. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 330-325 BC. AR Nomos (23mm, 7.83 g, 8h). EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 24. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 315 BC. AR Nomos (21mm, 7.96 g, 10h). Near EF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 5 000
Sold Price: $ 8 000
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Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ : 1 600
Go to Live
Lot 25 image   Lot 26 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 25. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Campano-Tarentine series. Circa 281-272 BC. AR Nomos (20.5mm, 7.26 g, 9h). Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 26. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 280 BC. AR Nomos (22.5mm, 7.92 g, 3h). Good VF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ 450
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Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ : 550
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Lot 27 image   Lot 28 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 27. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 280 BC. AR Nomos (21.5mm, 7.88 g, 12h). Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 28. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 280 BC. AR Nomos (21mm, 7.91 g, 2h). Near EF.

Greek, 12h, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ 800
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Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ : 650
Go to Live
Lot 29 image   Lot 30 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 29. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 280 BC. AR Nomos (20.5mm, 7.92 g, 11h). Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 30. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 280 BC. AR Nomos (22`mm, 7.58 g, 10h). EF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 500
Sold Price: $ 2 500
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Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 500
Sold Price: $ : 1 200
Go to Live
Lot 31 image   Lot 32 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 31. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 280 BC. AR Nomos (22mm, 7.49 g, 12h). Near EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 32. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 280 BC. AR Nomos (21.5mm, 7.80 g, 5h). Good VF.

Greek, 12h, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ 900
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Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ : 350
Go to Live
Lot 33 image   Lot 34 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 33. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 280 BC. AR Nomos (22.5mm, 7.89 g, 3h). Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 34. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 280-272 BC. AR Nomos (21mm, 6.34 g, 11h). Reduced standard. Good VF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ 1 100
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Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ : 800
Go to Live
Lot 35 image   Lot 36 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 35. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 280-272 BC. AR Nomos (20mm, 6.56 g, 9h). Reduced standard. Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 36. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 280-272 BC. AR Nomos (21mm, 6.05 g, 8h). Reduced standard. EF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ 800
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Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ : 1 200
Go to Live
Lot 37 image   Lot 38 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 37. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 280-272 BC. AR Nomos (21.5mm, 6.51 g, 5h). Reduced standard. Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 38. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 280-272 BC. AR Drachm (16mm, 3.23 g, 11h). Good VF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ 850
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ : 2 000
Go to Live
Lot 39 image   Lot 40 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 39. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 272-240 BC. AR Nomos (21mm, 6.31 g, 9h). Reduced standard. EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 40. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 272-240 BC. AR Nomos (20mm, 6.56 g, 7h). Reduced standard. EF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ 850
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ : 500
Go to Live
Lot 41 image   Lot 42 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 41. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 272-240 BC. AR Nomos (19mm, 6.54 g, 11h). Reduced standard. EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 42. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 272-240 BC. AR Nomos (19.5mm, 6.56 g, 11h). Reduced standard. Superb EF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ 1 350
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Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ : 1 300
Go to Live
Lot 43 image   Lot 44 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 43. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 272-240 BC. AR Nomos (19mm, 6.21 g, 12h). Reduced standard. Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 44. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 272-240 BC. AR Nomos (19mm, 6.43 g, 5h). Reduced standard. Good VF.

Greek, 12h, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ 525
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ : 950
Go to Live
Lot 45 image   Lot 46 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 45. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 240-228 BC. AR Nomos (20mm, 6.48 g, 5h). Reduced standard. Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 46. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 240-228 BC. AR Nomos (21mm, 6.49 g, 6h). Reduced standard. EF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ 1 200
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ : 1 000
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Lot 47 image   Lot 48 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 47. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 240-228 BC. AR Nomos (19.5mm, 5.91 g, 7h). Reduced standard. Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 48. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 240-228 BC. AR Nomos (19mm, 6.44 g, 2h). Reduced standard. EF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ 1 700
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ : 1 900
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Lot 49 image   Lot 50 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 49. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 240-228 BC. AR Nomos (20mm, 6.56 g, 9h). Reduced standard. NGC graded MS, 5/5, 4/5.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 50. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Punic occupation. Circa 212-209 BC. AR Reduced Nomos – Half-Shekel (18mm, 3.67 g, 6h). EF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 2 000
Sold Price: $ 2 500
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ : 1 600
Go to Live
Lot 51 image   Lot 52 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 51. LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 540-510 BC. AR Nomos (28mm, 7.99 g, 12h). Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 52. LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 470-440 BC. AR Nomos (21.5mm, 8.08 g, 12h). EF.

Greek, 12h, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ 1 300
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Greek, 12h, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 500
Sold Price: $ : 2 000
Go to Live
Lot 53 image   Lot 54 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 53. LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 430-400 BC. AR Nomos (23mm, 7.61 g, 7h). Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 54. LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 430-400 BC. AR Nomos (19.5mm, 5.53 g, 12h). Good VF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 2 000
Sold Price: $ 6 000
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Greek, 12h, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ : 700
Go to Live
Lot 55 image   Lot 56 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 55. LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 430-400 BC. AR Nomos (21mm, 7.68 g, 1h). Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 56. LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 400-340 BC. AR Nomos (21mm, 7.73 g, 5h). In NGC encapsulation 4375585-007, graded AU★, Strike: 5/5, Surface: 4/5, Fine Style.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ 1 200
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 4 000
Sold Price: $ : 5 500
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Lot 57 image   Lot 58 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 57. LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 340-330 BC. AR Nomos (21mm, 7.55 g, 3h). Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 58. LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 340-330 BC. AR Nomos (20.5mm, 7.81 g, 5h). VF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ 2 000
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Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ : 1 450
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Lot 59 image   Lot 60 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 59. LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 330-290 BC. AR Nomos (19mm, 7.74 g, 1h). VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 60. LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 330-290 BC. AR Nomos (18.5mm, 7.81 g, 10h). Good VF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ 1 900
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Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ : 1 600
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Lot 61 image   Lot 62 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 61. LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 330-290 BC. AR Nomos (20mm, 7.91 g, 10h). Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 62. LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 330-290 BC. AR Nomos (18.5mm, 7.93 g, 7h). Near EF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ 3 750
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Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ : 2 500
Go to Live
Lot 63 image   Lot 64 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 63. LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 290-280 BC. AR Nomos (21mm, 7.73 g, 11h). Near EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 64. LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 290-280 BC. AR Nomos (22mm, 7.72 g, 11h). EF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 500
Sold Price: $ 1 700
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Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ : 2 750
Go to Live
Lot 65 image   Lot 66 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 65. LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 290-280 BC. AR Nomos (20mm, 7.91 g, 7h). Superb EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 66. LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 290-280 BC. AR Nomos (20mm, 7.80 g, 7h). EF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 15 000
Sold Price: $ 30 000
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Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 2 000
Sold Price: $ : 2 875
Go to Live
Lot 67 image   Lot 68 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 67. LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 290-280 BC. AR Nomos (20mm, 7.85 g, 5h). EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 68. LUCANIA, Metapontion. temp. Pyrrhos of Epeiros. Circa 280-279 BC. AV Tetrobol – Third Stater (14.5mm, 2.88 g, 4h). Attic standard. Good VF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ 1 100
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Greek, Gold
Estimated: $ 3 000
Sold Price: $ : 5 500
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Lot 69 image   Lot 70 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 69. LUCANIA, Metapontion. temp. Pyrrhos of Epeiros. Circa 280-279 BC. AV Tetrobol – Third Stater (13.5mm, 2.74 g, 11h). Attic standard. Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 70. LUCANIA, Metapontion. Punic occupation. Circa 215-207 BC. AR Half Shekel – Drachm (20mm, 3.48 g, 11h). EF.

Greek, Gold
Estimated: $ 3 000
Sold Price: $ 7 500
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Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ : 1 200
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Lot 71 image   Lot 72 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 71. LUCANIA, Poseidonia. Circa 530-500 BC. AR Nomos (27mm, 7.24 g, 12h). Near EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 72. LUCANIA, Poseidonia. Circa 420-410 BC. AR Nomos (17mm, 7.80 g, 9h). Near EF.

Greek, 12h, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 5 000
Sold Price: $ 11 000
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 5 000
Sold Price: $ : 7 500
Go to Live
Lot 73 image   Lot 74 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 73. LUCANIA, Sybaris. Circa 446-440 BC. AR Drachm (15mm, 2.65 g, 9h). Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 74. LUCANIA, Thourioi. Circa 410-400 BC. AR Dinomos – Distater (26mm, 15.71 g, 3h). EF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 3 000
Sold Price: $ 2 750
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 7 500
Sold Price: $ : 17 000
Go to Live
Lot 75 image   Lot 76 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 75. LUCANIA, Thourioi. Circa 400-350 BC. AR Nomos (21mm, 7.48 g, 3h). Near EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 76. LUCANIA, Thourioi. Circa 350-300 BC. AR Nomos (21.5mm, 7.81 g, 1h). Near EF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 2 000
Sold Price: $ 3 750
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Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 500
Sold Price: $ : 2 500
Go to Live
Lot 77 image   Lot 78 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 77. LUCANIA, Thourioi. Circa 300 BC. AR Nomos (21.5mm, 7.70 g, 9h). EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 78. LUCANIA, Velia. Circa 300-280 BC. AR Nomos (21mm, 7.56 g, 11h). Philistion group. Superb EF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 500
Sold Price: $ 2 500
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Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 2 000
Sold Price: $ : 4 250
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Lot 79 image   Lot 80 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 79. LUCANIA, Velia. Circa 280 BC. AR Nomos (21mm, 7.52 g, 5h). IE Group. Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 80. BRUTTIUM, The Brettii. Circa 216-214 BC. AR Drachm (19mm, 4.85 g, 10h). Second Punic War issue. Near EF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ 1 700
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Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ : 1 600
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Lot 81 image   Lot 82 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 81. BRUTTIUM, Kaulonia. Circa 525-500 BC. AR Nomos (30.5mm, 7.93 g, 12h). Choice EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 82. BRUTTIUM, Kaulonia. Circa 500-480 BC. AR Nomos (26mm, 7.13 g, 12h). VF.

Greek, 12h, Silver
Estimated: $ 15 000
Sold Price: $ 17 000
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Greek, 12h, Silver
Estimated: $ 2 000
Sold Price: $ : 1 200
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Lot 83 image   Lot 84 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 83. BRUTTIUM, Kaulonia. Circa 475-425 BC. AR Nomos (20mm, 8.26 g, 1h). Near EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 84. BRUTTIUM, Kaulonia. Circa 420-410 BC. AR Nomos (22mm, 7.57 g, 1h). VF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 500
Sold Price: $ 3 000
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 500
Sold Price: $ : 2 250
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Lot 85 image   Lot 86 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 85. BRUTTIUM, Kroton. Circa 530-500 BC. AR Nomos (27mm, 7.83 g, 12h). Spread incuse type. Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 86. BRUTTIUM, Kroton. Alliance issue with Temesa. Circa 480-430 BC. AR Nomos (19.5mm, 7.54 g, 12h). Dumpy incuse type. Good VF.

Greek, 12h, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ 1 000
Go to Live  
Greek, 12h, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 2 000
Sold Price: $ : 2 500
Go to Live
Lot 87 image   Lot 88 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 87. BRUTTIUM, Kroton. Circa 425-350 BC. AR Nomos (21mm, 7.55 g, 2h). VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 88. BRUTTIUM, Kroton. Circa 350-300 BC. AR Nomos (20.5mm, 7.79 g, 10h). VF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ 1 700
Go to Live  
Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ : 800
Go to Live
Lot 89 image   Lot 90 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 89. BRUTTIUM, Lokroi Epizephyrioi. Circa 344-318 BC. AR Nomos (21.5mm, 8.59 g, 11h). Time of Timoleon. EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 90. BRUTTIUM, Medma. 330-317 BC. AR Stater (21.5mm, 8.69 g, 7h). Near EF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ 1 600
Go to Live  
Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 2 000
Sold Price: $ : 1 500
Go to Live
Lot 91 image   Lot 92 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 91. BRUTTIUM, Rhegion. Circa 415/0-387 BC. AR Tetradrachm (24mm, 16.76 g, 5h). Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 92. BRUTTIUM, Terina. Circa 400-356 BC. AR Nomos (20mm, 7.45 g, 5h). In NGC encapsulation 6369736-004, graded Ch VF, Strike: 5/5, Surface: 4/5, Fine Style, edge marks.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 5 000
Sold Price: $ 14 000
Go to Live  
Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 3 000
Sold Price: $ : 4 250
Go to Live
Lot 93 image   Lot 94 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 93. BRUTTIUM, Carthaginian occupation. Circa 215-205 BC. AR Quarter Shekel (13mm, 1.97 g, 10h). Second Punic War issue. Uncertain Punic mint in Bruttium (or Lokris?). EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 94. SICILY, Agyrion. Circa 339/8-317 BC. Æ Hemilitron (28mm, 24.43 g, 11h). VF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ 700
Go to Live  
Greek, Bronze, Coin-in-Hand Video
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ : 1 200
Go to Live
Lot 95 image   Lot 96 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 95. SICILY, Akragas. Circa 485-480/78 BC. AR Didrachm (19mm, 8.36 g, 11h). Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 96. SICILY, Akragas. Circa 480/78-470 BC. AR Didrachm (21.5mm, 8.66 g, 3h). EF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 2 000
Sold Price: $ 1 500
Go to Live  
Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 2 500
Sold Price: $ : 4 250
Go to Live
Lot 97 image   Lot 98 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 97. Lot withdrawn


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 98. SICILY, Alontion. Circa 210-180 BC. Æ Trias(?) (17mm, 3.82 g, 6h). Good VF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $
Go to Live  
Greek, Bronze
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ : 1 000
Go to Live
Lot 99 image   Lot 100 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 99. SICILY, Entella. Elymian issues. Circa 425-410 BC. Æ Hemilitron(?) (18mm, 3.16 g, 2h). Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 100. SICILY, Entella. Punic issues. Circa 320/15-300 BC. AR Tetradrachm (24mm, 17.04 g, 7h). Near EF.

Greek, Bronze
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ 375
Go to Live  
Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 3 000
Sold Price: $ : 6 000
Go to Live
Lot 101 image   Lot 102 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 101. SICILY, Entella. Punic issues. Circa 320/15-300 BC. AR Tetradrachm (26mm, 17.06 g, 12h). Near EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 102. SICILY, Entella. Punic issues. Circa 300-289 BC. AR Tetradrachm (22.5mm, 16.45 g, 9h). Near EF.

Greek, 12h, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 5 000
Sold Price: $ 4 250
Go to Live  
Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 2 000
Sold Price: $ : 2 750
Go to Live
Lot 103 image   Lot 104 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 103. SICILY, Entella. Punic issues. Circa 300-289 BC. AR Tetradrachm (26mm, 17.32 g, 6h). Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 104. SICILY, Entella. Punic issues. Circa 300-289 BC. AR Tetradrachm (26mm, 16.71 g, 3h). EF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 2 000
Sold Price: $ 2 250
Go to Live  
Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 7 500
Sold Price: $ : 7 500
Go to Live
Lot 105 image   Lot 106 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 105. SICILY, Eryx. Circa 420-416 BC. AR Didrachm (21mm, 8.61 g, 9h). VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 106. SICILY, Eryx. Circa 330-260 BC. Æ Onkia (11mm, 1.50 g, 2h). Good VF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 500
Sold Price: $ 5 500
Go to Live  
Greek, Bronze
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ : 650
Go to Live
Lot 107 image   Lot 108 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 107. SICILY, Gela. Circa 490/85-480/75 BC. AR Didrachm (19.5mm, 8.62 g, 7h). Superb EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 108. SICILY, Gela. Circa 450-440 BC. AR Tetradrachm (24mm, 17.65 g, 11h). VF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 10 000
Sold Price: $ 17 000
Go to Live  
Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 2 000
Sold Price: $ : 2 500
Go to Live
Lot 109 image   Lot 110 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 109. SICILY, Katane. Circa 415/3-404 BC. AR Litra (12.5mm, 0.72 g, 3h). EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 110. SICILY, Leontini. Circa 440-430 BC. AR Drachm (20mm, 4.00 g, 7h). Near VF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 2 000
Sold Price: $ 1 200
Go to Live  
Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ : 475
Go to Live
Lot 111 image   Lot 112 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 111. SICILY, Leontini. Circa 430-425 BC. AR Tetradrachm (25.5mm, 17.29 g, 10h). EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 112. SICILY, Leontini. Circa 415-413 BC. AR Tetradrachm (26mm, 17.32 g, 9h). VF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 4 000
Sold Price: $ 6 000
Go to Live  
Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 3 000
Sold Price: $ : 4 250
Go to Live
Lot 113 image   Lot 114 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 113. SICILY, Lilybaion (as ‘Cape of Melkart’). Circa 330-305 BC. AR Tetradrachm (23mm, 16.77 g, 5h). NGC graded XF, 4/5, 5/5.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 114. SICILY, Lilybaion. Circa 200-150 BC. Æ Hemilitron (21mm, 5.57 g, 1h). Near EF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 3 000
Sold Price: $ 4 000
Go to Live  
Greek, Bronze, Coin-in-Hand Video
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ : 900
Go to Live
Lot 115 image   Lot 116 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 115. SICILY, Messana. 478-476 BC. AR Tetradrachm (27mm, 17.40 g, 8h). Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 116. SICILY, Messana. 425-421 BC. AR Tetradrachm (25mm, 17.33 g, 12h). In NGC encapsulation 4284629-001, graded Ch AU★, Strike: 5/5, Surface: 5/5, Fine Style.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 500
Sold Price: $ 1 850
Go to Live  
Greek, 12h, Silver
Estimated: $ 15 000
Sold Price: $ : 19 000
Go to Live
Lot 117 image   Lot 118 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 117. SICILY, Messana. 412-408 BC. AR Tetradrachm (25.5mm, 17.33 g, 3h). Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 118. SICILY, Messana. 317-311 BC. Æ (25mm, 10.74 g, 12h). Good VF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 3 000
Sold Price: $ 2 500
Go to Live  
Greek, 12h, Bronze, Coin-in-Hand Video
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ : 900
Go to Live
Lot 119 image   Lot 120 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 119. SICILY, Morgantina. The Sikeliotes. Circa 214-213 BC. AR 8 Litrai – Didrachm (22.5mm, 6.44 g, 8h). EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 120. SICILY, Morgantina. Circa 339/8-317 BC. Æ Litra (24.5mm, 18.10 g, 1h). Good VF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 500
Sold Price: $ 2 500
Go to Live  
Greek, Bronze, Coin-in-Hand Video
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ : 450
Go to Live
Lot 121 image   Lot 122 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 121. SICILY, Panormos (as Ziz). Circa 340-320 BC. AR Tetradrachm (23mm, 16.68 g, 9h). Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 122. SICILY, Piakos. Circa 420-400 BC. Æ Tetras or Trionkion (14mm, 2.37 g, 9h). Dies by the Maestro della Foglia (Master of the Leaf). EF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ 1 600
Go to Live  
Greek, Bronze
Estimated: $ 2 000
Sold Price: $ : 1 200
Go to Live
Lot 123 image   Lot 124 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 123. SICILY, Selinos. Circa 540-515 BC. AR Didrachm (20.5mm, 8.89 g). Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 124. SICILY, Syracuse. Hieron I. 478-466 BC. AR Tetradrachm (25mm, 17.57 g, 9h). Struck circa 475-470 BC. Good VF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ 1 400
Go to Live  
Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 2 000
Sold Price: $ : 5 500
Go to Live
Lot 125 image   Lot 126 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 125. SICILY, Syracuse. Hieron I. 478-466 BC. AR Tetradrachm (22mm, 17.41 g, 9h). Struck circa 475-470 BC. Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 126. SICILY, Syracuse. Second Democracy. 466-405 BC. AR Tetradrachm (25mm, 17.35 g, 3h). Struck circa 466-460 BC. Good VF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 500
Sold Price: $ 3 000
Go to Live  
Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 3 000
Sold Price: $ : 5 500
Go to Live
Lot 127 image   Lot 128 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 127. SICILY, Syracuse. Second Democracy. 466-405 BC. AR Litra (11mm, 0.72 g, 10h). Struck circa 466-460 BC. EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 128. SICILY, Syracuse. Second Democracy. 466-405 BC. AR Tetradrachm (24mm, 17.21 g, 3h). Struck circa 450 BC. Good VF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ 1 600
Go to Live  
Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ : 1 200
Go to Live
Lot 129 image   Lot 130 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 129. SICILY, Syracuse. Dionysios I. 405-367 BC. AR Dekadrachm (36mm, 43.30 g, 6h). Reverse Signed by Euainetos. Struck circa 405-390 BC. Near EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 130. SICILY, Syracuse. Dionysios I. 405-367 BC. AR Tetradrachm (25.5mm, 16.61 g, 8h). Unsigned dies in the style of Eukleidas. Struck circa 405 BC. Good VF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 30 000
Sold Price: $ 70 000
Go to Live  
Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 4 000
Sold Price: $ : 3 750
Go to Live
Lot 131 image   Lot 132 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 131. SICILY, Syracuse. Dionysios I. 405-367 BC. AR Tetradrachm (25.5mm, 17.10 g, 10h). Unsigned dies in the style of Eukleidas. Struck circa 405 BC. VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 132. SICILY, Syracuse. Dionysios I. 405-367 BC. AR Tetradrachm (24mm, 17.29 g, 6h). Unsigned dies in the style of Eukleidas. Struck circa 400/395-390 BC. Good VF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 4 000
Sold Price: $ 4 250
Go to Live  
Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 5 000
Sold Price: $ : 7 500
Go to Live
Lot 133 image   Lot 134 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 133. SICILY, Syracuse. Dionysios I. 405-367 BC. AV 100 Litrai – Double Dekadrachm (14mm, 5.76 g, 12h). Struck circa 400-370 BC. Near EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 134. SICILY, Syracuse. Dionysios I. 405-367 BC. AV 50 Litrai – Dekadrachm (10.5mm, 2.86 g, 2h). Struck circa 400-370 BC. NGC graded XF, 5/5, 5/5, Fine Style.

Greek, 12h, Gold
Estimated: $ 10 000
Sold Price: $ 22 500
Go to Live  
Greek, Gold
Estimated: $ 5 000
Sold Price: $ : 5 500
Go to Live
Lot 135 image   Lot 136 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 135. SICILY, Syracuse. Timoleon and the Third Democracy. 344-317 BC. AR Stater (21.5mm, 8.59 g, 8h). Corinthian standard. Struck under Timoleon, 344-339/8 BC. Superb EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 136. SICILY, Syracuse. Agathokles. 317-289 BC. AV Hemistater – Drachm (15mm, 4.31 g, 11h). Struck circa 317-310 BC. NGC graded AU★, 5/5, 4/5, Fine Style.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ 4 125
Go to Live  
Greek, Gold
Estimated: $ 4 000
Sold Price: $ : 9 250
Go to Live
Lot 137 image   Lot 138 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 137. SICILY, Syracuse. Agathokles. 317-289 BC. AV Hemistater – Drachm (15mm, 4.31 g, 4h). Struck circa 317-310 BC. Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 138. SICILY, Syracuse. Agathokles. 317-289 BC. AR Tetradrachm (25mm, 17.08 g, 11h). Struck circa 317-310 BC. Near EF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Gold
Estimated: $ 3 000
Sold Price: $ 3 750
Go to Live  
Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 3 000
Sold Price: $ : 10 000
Go to Live
Lot 139 image   Lot 140 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 139. SICILY, Syracuse. Agathokles. 317-289 BC. AR Tetradrachm (27mm, 16.95 g, 5h). Struck circa 310-306/5 BC. Near EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 140. SICILY, Syracuse. Agathokles. 317-289 BC. Æ Litra (19.5mm, 8.49 g, 7h). Struck circa 308/7 BC. Good VF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 2 000
Sold Price: $ 2 250
Go to Live  
Greek, Bronze, Coin-in-Hand Video
Estimated: $ 300
Sold Price: $ : 190
Go to Live
Lot 141 image   Lot 142 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 141. SICILY, Syracuse. Agathokles. 317-289 BC. EL 25 Litrai – Hemistater (14.5mm, 3.69 g, 3h). Struck circa 306/5 BC. VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 142. SICILY, Syracuse. Hieron II. 275-215 BC. AV Drachm – Hemistater (16.5mm, 4.25 g, 12h). Struck 218/7-215 BC. Choice EF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Electrum
Estimated: $ 1 500
Sold Price: $ 1 500
Go to Live  
Greek, 12h, Gold
Estimated: $ 7 500
Sold Price: $ : 13 000
Go to Live
Lot 143 image   Lot 144 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 143. SICILY, Syracuse. Philistis, wife of Hieron II. 275-215 BC. AR 16 Litrai – Tetradrachm (25mm, 13.12 g, 7h). Struck circa 218/7-214 BC. EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 144. SICILY, Syracuse. Philistis, wife of Hieron II. 275-215 BC. AR 16 Litrai – Tetradrachm (28mm, 14.05 g, 1h). Struck circa 218/7-214 BC. EF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 500
Sold Price: $ 2 500
Go to Live  
Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 5 000
Sold Price: $ : 8 000
Go to Live
Lot 145 image   Lot 146 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 145. SICILY, Syracuse. Philistis, wife of Hieron II. 275-215 BC. AR 5 Litrai – Drachm (18.5mm, 4.51 g, 9h). Struck circa 218/7-214 BC. Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 146. SICILY, Syracuse. Gelon, son of Hieron II. 275-215 BC. AR 8 Litrai – Didrachm (20mm, 6.77 g, 8h). Struck circa 218/7-214 BC BC. Good VF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ 1 300
Go to Live  
Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 500
Sold Price: $ : 1 700
Go to Live
Lot 147 image   Lot 148 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 147. SICILY, Syracuse. Gelon, son of Hieron II. 275-215 BC. AR 4 Litrai – Drachm (16mm, 3.39 g, 12h). Struck circa 218/7-214 BC. Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 148. SICILY, Syracuse. Hieronymos. 215-214 BC. AR 10 Litrai (23.5mm, 8.42 g, 7h). EF.

Greek, 12h, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ 850
Go to Live  
Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 500
Sold Price: $ : 1 200
Go to Live
Lot 149 image   Lot 150 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 149. SICILY, Syracuse. Fifth Democracy. 214-212 BC. AR 12 Litrai (23.5mm, 10.22 g, 10h). Near EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 150. SICILY, Syracuse. Fifth Democracy. 214-212 BC. AR 12 Litrai (23.5mm, 10.13 g, 4h). Near EF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 500
Sold Price: $ 2 000
Go to Live  
Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 500
Sold Price: $ : 3 500
Go to Live
Lot 151 image   Lot 152 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 151. CARTHAGE. Circa 350-320 BC. AV Stater (18.5mm, 9.21 g, 10h). Carthage mint. In NGC encapsulation 4280066-001, graded MS, Strike: 5/5, Surface: 4/5.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 152. CARTHAGE. Circa 270-264 BC. AV 1½ Shekels – Tridrachm (24mm, 12.50 g, 12h). Carthage mint. EF.

Greek, Gold
Estimated: $ 10 000
Sold Price: $ 10 500
Go to Live  
Greek, 12h, Gold
Estimated: $ 20 000
Sold Price: $ : 30 000
Go to Live
Lot 153 image   Lot 154 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 153. CARTHAGE, First Punic War. Circa 264-241 BC. BI Dishekel (26mm, 12.85 g, 12h). Reduced standard. Carthage mint. VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 154. CARTHAGE, Second Punic War. Circa 220-215 BC. Æ Trishekel (30mm, 17.81 g, 12h). EF.

Greek, 12h, Billon, Coin-in-Hand Video
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ 325
Go to Live  
Greek, 12h, Bronze, Coin-in-Hand Video
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ : 550
Go to Live
Lot 155 image   Lot 156 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 155. CARTHAGE, Second Punic War. Circa 220-205 BC. AR Half Shekel (19mm, 3.36 g, 11h). NGC graded MS, 4/5, 4/5. Struck during the expedition to Sicily, circa 213-210 BC.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 156. CARTHAGE, Second Punic War. Circa 203-201 BC. BI 1½ Shekels (25mm, 8.57 g, 12h). Carthage mint. Good VF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 10 000
Sold Price: $ 15 000
Go to Live  
Greek, 12h, Billon, Coin-in-Hand Video
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ : 1 400
Go to Live
Lot 157 image   Lot 158 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 157. SKYTHIA, Geto-Dacians. Koson. Mid 1st century BC. AV Stater (19mm, 8.64 g, 12h). EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 158. MOESIA, Dionysopolis. Circa 225-190 BC. AR Tetradrachm (29mm, 16.53 g, 12h). In the name and types of Alexander III of Macedon. Near EF.

Greek, 12h, Coin-in-Hand Video, Gold
Estimated: $ 1 500
Sold Price: $ 1 500
Go to Live  
Greek, 12h, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ : 2 500
Go to Live
Lot 159 image   Lot 160 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 159. MOESIA, Istros. Circa 313-280 BC. AR Drachm (17.5mm, 5.83 g). Choice EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 160. MOESIA, Istros. Circa 313-280 BC. AR Drachm (18mm, 5.76 g, 7h). EF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ 3 250
Go to Live  
Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ : 600
Go to Live
Lot 161 image   Lot 162 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 161. THRACE, Abdera. Circa 360-350 BC. AR Tetrobol (15mm, 2.83 g, 12h). Molpagores, magistrate. Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 162. THRACE, Ainos. Circa 453/2-451/0 BC. AR Tetradrachm (24.5mm, 16.43 g, 12h). Antiadas, magistrate. Good VF.

Greek, 12h, Silver
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ 1 400
Go to Live  
Greek, 12h, Silver
Estimated: $ 15 000
Sold Price: $ : 27 500
Go to Live
Lot 163 image   Lot 164 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 163. THRACE, Ainos. Circa 410/09-409/8 BC. AR Tetradrachm (22mm, 16.09 g, 9h). Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 164. THRACE, Ainos. Circa 372/1-370/69 BC. AR Tetradrachm (21mm, 15.55 g, 12h). VF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 3 000
Sold Price: $ 12 000
Go to Live  
Greek, 12h, Silver
Estimated: $ 3 000
Sold Price: $ : 2 500
Go to Live
Lot 165 image   Lot 166 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 165. THRACE, Ainos. Circa 357-342/1 BC. AR Drachm (16.5mm, 3.74 g, 12h). Near EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 166. THRACE, Byzantion. Late 260s BC. AR Tetradrachm (29mm, 17.00 g, 12h). In the name and types of Lysimachos. Good VF.

Greek, 12h, Silver
Estimated: $ 3 000
Sold Price: $ 7 000
Go to Live  
Greek, 12h, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ : 1 600
Go to Live
Lot 167 image   Lot 168 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 167. THRACE, Byzantion. Circa 210-195 BC. AV Stater (21mm, 8.55 g, 12h). In the name and types of Lysimachos. Near EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 168. THRACE, Byzantion. Circa 100-96 BC. AV Stater (22mm, 8.28 g, 12h). In the name and types of Lysimachos. Near EF.

Greek, 12h, Coin-in-Hand Video, Gold
Estimated: $ 2 000
Sold Price: $ 4 250
Go to Live  
Greek, 12h, Coin-in-Hand Video, Gold
Estimated: $ 2 000
Sold Price: $ : 4 250
Go to Live
Lot 169 image   Lot 170 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 169. THRACE, Maroneia. Circa 400-377 BC. AR Stater (23.5mm, 12.98 g, 7h). Aeginetic standard. Ebesas, magistrate. Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 170. THRACE, Maroneia. Late 2nd-mid 1st centuries BC. AR Tetradrachm (32mm, 15.64 g, 12h). EF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 500
Sold Price: $ 4 125
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Greek, 12h, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ : 1 600
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Lot 171 image   Lot 172 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 171. THRACE, Mesambria. Circa 275/50-225 BC. AR Tetradrachm (32mm, 16.93 g, 12h). In the name and types of Alexander III of Macedon. Near EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 172. THRACE, Odessos. Circa 225-200 BC. AR Tetradrachm (30.5mm, 16.64 g, 12h). In the name and types of Alexander III of Macedon. Kyrsa–, magistrate. EF.

Greek, 12h, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ 1 400
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Greek, 12h, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ : 875
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Lot 173 image   Lot 174 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 173. THRACE, Odessos. Circa 120-90 BC. AR Tetradrachm (29.5mm, 16.83 g, 11h). In the name and types of Alexander III of Macedon. EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 174. ISLANDS off THRACE, Thasos. Circa 500-480 BC. AR Stater (20mm, 9.22 g). Near EF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ 600
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Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 500
Sold Price: $ : 1 600
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Lot 175 image   Lot 176 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 175. ISLANDS off THRACE, Thasos. Circa 412-404 BC. AR Trihemiobol (12mm, 0.91 g, 12h). Superb EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 176. ISLANDS off THRACE, Thasos. Circa 150-140 BC. AR Tetradrachm (34mm, 16.98 g, 1h). Near EF.

Greek, 12h, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ 800
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Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ : 2 250
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Lot 177 image   Lot 178 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 177. KINGS of THRACE, Macedonian. Lysimachos. 305-281 BC. AV Stater (19mm, 8.56 g, 11h). NGC graded Ch AU, 5/5, 3/5, marks. In the types of Alexander III of Macedon. Lampsakos mint. Struck circa 299/8-297/6 BC.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 178. KINGS of THRACE, Macedonian. Lysimachos. 305-281 BC. AR Drachm (17mm, 4.24 g, 12h). Lampsakos mint. Struck 297/6-282/1 BC. NGC graded MS, 4/5, 4/5.

Greek, Gold
Estimated: $ 3 000
Sold Price: $ 8 000
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Greek, 12h, Silver
Estimated: $ 3 000
Sold Price: $ : 2 250
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Lot 179 image   Lot 180 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 179. KINGS of THRACE, Macedonian. Lysimachos. 305-281 BC. AR Tetradrachm (29.5mm, 17.00 g, 1h). Abydos mint. Struck circa 297/6-282/1 BC. Near EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 180. KINGS of THRACE, Macedonian. Lysimachos. 305-281 BC. AR Tetradrachm (29mm, 16.73 g, 12h). Abydos mint(?). Struck circa 297/6-282/1 BC. NGC graded AU★, 5/5, 4/5.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 500
Sold Price: $ 1 300
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Greek, 12h, Silver
Estimated: $ 2 000
Sold Price: $ : 3 750
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Lot 181 image   Lot 182 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 181. KINGS of THRACE, Macedonian. Lysimachos. 305-281 BC. AR Tetradrachm (27.5mm, 17.26 g, 12h). Magnesia on the Maeander mint. Struck circa 297/6-282/1 BC. Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 182. KINGS of THRACE, Macedonian. Lysimachos. 305-281 BC. AR Tetradrachm (32.5mm, 17.05 g, 8h). Uncertain mint in northwest Asia Minor. Struck circa 297/6-282/1 BC, or slightly later. Good VF.

Greek, 12h, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ 1 500
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ : 1 000
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Lot 183 image   Lot 184 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 183. KINGS of THRACE, Celtic. Kavaros. Circa 230/25-218 BC. AR Tetradrachm (30mm, 16.87 g, 12h). In the name and types of Alexander III of Macedon. Kabyle mint. EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 184. THRACO-MACEDONIAN TRIBES, Edones. Getas. Circa 492-464 BC. AR Oktadrachm (32.5mm, 29.09 g). NGC graded Ch XF★, 5/5, 3/5, flan flaw.

Greek, 12h, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ 1 300
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 30 000
Sold Price: $ : 30 000
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Lot 185 image   Lot 186 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 185. THRACO-MACEDONIAN REGION, Berge. Circa 525-480 BC. AR Stater (19mm, 9.76 g). Near EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 186. MACEDON, Akanthos. Circa 470-430 BC. AR Tetradrachm (29mm, 17.40 g, 2h). Attic standard. Good VF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 5 000
Sold Price: $ 3 750
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 7 500
Sold Price: $ : 7 500
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Lot 187 image   Lot 188 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 187. MACEDON, Akanthos. Circa 470-430 BC. AR Tetradrachm (25.5mm, 17.09 g, 1h). Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 188. MACEDON, Akanthos. Circa 430-390 BC. AR Tetradrachm (26mm, 16.96 g, 12h). EF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 3 000
Sold Price: $ 3 000
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Greek, 12h, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 5 000
Sold Price: $ : 18 000
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Lot 189 image   Lot 190 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 189. MACEDON, Neapolis. Circa 375-350 BC. AR Hemidrachm (13.5mm, 1.82 g, 5h). EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 190. MACEDON, Terone. Circa 424-422 BC. AR Tetrobol (15.5mm, 2.45 g). EF.

Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 750
Sold Price: $ 950
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ : 750
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Lot 191 image   Lot 192 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 191. MACEDON, Terone. Circa 424-422 BC. AR Tetrobol (15mm, 2.44 g). EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 192. KINGS of MACEDON. Amyntas III. 394/3-370/69 BC. Æ Tetrachalkon (15.5mm, 3.43 g, 12h). Aigai or Pella mint. Near EF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ 475
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Greek, 12h, Bronze
Estimated: $ 300
Sold Price: $ : 400
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Lot 193 image   Lot 194 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 193. KINGS of MACEDON. Philip II. 359-336 BC. AR Tetradrachm (25mm, 14.46 g, 12h). Pella mint. Struck circa 342/1-337/6 BC. EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 194. KINGS of MACEDON. Philip II. 359-336 BC. AR Tetradrachm (23mm, 14.51 g, 1h). Pella mint. Struck circa 342/1-337/6 BC. EF.

Greek, 12h, Silver
Estimated: $ 5 000
Sold Price: $ 18 000
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Greek, Silver
Estimated: $ 5 000
Sold Price: $ : 7 500
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Lot 195 image   Lot 196 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 195. KINGS of MACEDON. Alexander III ‘the Great’. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (24mm, 17.24 g, 10h). Amphipolis mint. Struck under Antipater, circa 332-326 BC. EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 196. KINGS of MACEDON. Alexander III ‘the Great’. 336-323 BC. AR Drachm (17mm, 4.32 g, 12h). Miletos mint. Struck under Philoxenos, circa 325-323 BC. Choice EF.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 1 000
Sold Price: $ 1 300
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Greek, 12h, Silver
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ : 600
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Lot 197 image   Lot 198 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 197. KINGS of MACEDON. Philip III Arrhidaios. 323-317 BC. AR Tetradrachm (27.5mm, 17.19 g, 8h). In the name and types of Alexander III. Amphipolis mint. Struck under Antipater, circa 322-320 BC. Good VF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 198. KINGS of MACEDON. Philip III Arrhidaios. 323-317 BC. AV Stater (17.5mm, 8.58 g, 3h). In the types of Philip II. Abydos mint. NGC graded Ch XF, 5/5, 2/5, ex-jewelry. Struck under Leonnatos, Arrhidaios, or Antigonos I Monophthalmos.

Greek, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver
Estimated: $ 500
Sold Price: $ 850
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Greek, Gold
Estimated: $ 3 000
Sold Price: $ : 4 250
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Lot 199 image   Lot 200 image

CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 199. KINGS of MACEDON. Philip III Arrhidaios. 323-317 BC. AV Stater (19mm, 8.57 g, 12h). In the name and types of Alexander III. Abydos mint. Struck under Leonnatos, Arrhidaios, or Antigonos I Monophthalmos. Near EF.


CNG Feature Auction 121
Lot: 200. KINGS of MACEDON. Philip III Arrhidaios. 323-317 BC. AV Stater (17mm, 8.61 g, 12h). In the types of Philip II. Kolophon mint. Struck under Menander or Kleitos, circa 322-319 BC. EF.

Greek, 12h, Coin-in-Hand Video, Gold
Estimated: $ 3 000
Sold Price: $ 4 500
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Greek, 12h, Coin-in-Hand Video, Gold
Estimated: $ 15 000
Sold Price: $ : 25 000
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